2010 and 2012 forecasts Universal

Channelling the greatest prophet of all time, "Michel de Notre Dame - first, I think it's important to bring the reader back in time only for a while 'as the progression of the dragon head and tail understand the effects of those past order, present and future news.

The year 2012 will not end the human race, as announced by some apocalyptic prophecies. Many people have been surprised by e-mail and called me with the voices embarrassing, why shouldor carry on any hopes for the future, if everything should end soon. It breaks my heart, these vile programs on TV only dedicated to financial income for producers and actors bring their own fear of regurgitating the future.

Remember "there is only a thin layer of air between the information and divine pure fantasy" and the majority of these people are not the true cosmic consciousness. Furthermore, none of these souls are aware of the damage areImposition of the population but also the superconscious mind in time and space. During this period of rebirth, the people are not yet understood, are the creators of their final destiny.

"The future is the reincarnation of ideas"
- Dr. Turi-

"The imagination, the preview of coming attractions of life."
- Albert Einstein

2012 is nothing but a window of welcome offered to the progressive increase of the human race to its own vibration and receive adifferent reality with the divine, the UFO phenomenon and the provisions of Cosmic Code. 2012, come and go like any normal years and the past. This does not mean that some other disaster will not happen, but it certainly is not the total destruction of this world. If you have inherited a very sensitive UCI * Unique Celestial Identity I would recommend to stop you and your children watch this garbage, take a deep breath and enjoy your life because God gave us choke on the ground in a terribleEnd. Give to learn, respect and use celestial sign of the Creator is your advantage, there is no reason for you not to live a long and happy life. After 2012, expect an explosion of new technological developments will be used with electronic equipment to ensure our survival and to stop because of the ozone layer. Be prepared to witness a wave of UFO activity in the field, under incredible discoveries, changes in space. Many space programs of the world community, whereJapan, France, China and the United States indicate the road. The year 2012 can and will only option for individuals to achieve their maximum intellectual and an internal drive to explore the mystical and cosmic.

The ability to listen and finally see God as he really is and work up to the stars bless us all.
God does not become really knew that God was stolen from them over thousands of years, where his true identity offered and adopted by a human mind growing breed.The human race is slowly witness death and spiritual rebirth of that god. A god who lives in the endless cosmic eternity, not made in building a human. A God that everyone can build on the planet to finally realize his own divinity and the use of power as heavenly celestial better, smarter, safer humanity. That's what these 2,012 years and its Golden Door to * and somehow forced to enter and grow. * The imbalance gap between results and their physical humanspiritual cosmic consciousness is over and with it the age of the fish and their endless wars of religion. Yes, there are some fantastic for a time when attention is outside the vision, value, religion, race, color, and where the Age of Aquarius * Brotherhood begins its two thousand years of peaceful reign.

"The man is better than the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. That person is the Lord of heaven and earth with his will is a magician and the magic is notSorcery but supreme wisdom. "

- Paracelsus

2010 Cancer Capricorn Predictions Universal Capo Coda

America, born July 4, 1776 received the tail of the dragon on his first house (right face) until March 2011 for a total re-structure property, infrastructure state, where the market is experiencing the highest level ITS and lowest power. As always, the manipulative corporate world actually become richer, while poor families are forced to reassesstheir choice for survival. He missed a mortgage or food for some families, and many people around. A natural disaster will bring millions in the states surrounding California, including Arizona. This incident will be a while 'my window SOS Deadly uranium.

The financial situation of the United States to see a serious improvement of the Real Estate Market to move as the year 2010. In recent years the situation was as bad as expected, that the government was forced to offerCuts and offers super jump-start the current economic situation. The new government is doing everything in its power to monitor and act against the improper and careless and greedy capitalists will continue to try to stop large corporations, the mass bleed like a lemon. Parts of the world is a serious food shortages due to restructuring of their bowels of the earth mother. Expect the worst during new and full moon in January and July 2010 and January 2011. The Dragon's Head in Capricorn"Protecting" the most powerful organizations structured with the help of the judicial system to their advantage and abusing the government to keep the battle less fortunate. But Capricorn is a karmic sign, and the abuse many of which companies will be forced to land or upgrading over time. England is a country, Capricorn and radical changes in power, where many members of the royal family to see his true human experience, even with the dramatic design. The royal family may also sufferDisease and / or dead. The man was King / Queen status and all its privileges snob selected children will be the beginning of a humanitarian "all the same" energy train of the New Age of Aquarius induced to see crumble.

2010 UNIVERSAL forecast This forecast was created June 7, 2009.

WARNING MONTH - July 2010 / January 2010/2011

Many foreign governments before you "merge" to bring more security and peace in neighboring countriesCountries.

According Many foreign governments will "melt", as the battle Mother Earth depleting health.

Third Many foreign governments will "melt", drug trafficking and combating organized crime.

Fourth Many foreign governments will "merge" in order to gain more control over its citizens.

Fifth Many large companies established (Church Inc.), is "grounding" a failure.

Sixth Many large companies are forced to act and the method to be reassessed.

Many Seventhlarge companies are forced to expose their accumulated wealth.

8th Many large companies will be established an iron fist of the IRS.

Ninth Many large companies, including the IRS, will be forced to restructure.

10th Many major bodies established religious (Church Inc.), will be applied in payment of taxes.

11 Many large private organizations established religion (Mormons, cults, Scientology, etc.), will be hosted by his uncleSam.

12 ° Many large well-established oil and pharmaceutical companies will be forced into a painful restructuring.

13 Many large food companies and established farmers will be forced to a painful restructuring.

14th The tail of the dragon (negative) in Cancer (U.S. infrastructure), countries severely affecting the U.S. and many others because of terrible natural disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. July 2010 / January 2010/2011.

Memo: a 5.5. Earthquake2010 was heard in San Diego, CA in January.
Memo: January 12, 2010 7.0 earthquake, Haiti, leaves heavy casualties and destruction.

15th The Dragon's Tail (firm) is in Cancer (General Security), civil conflict in France, Italy, Japan, China and the United States. July 2010 / January 2011.

16th The Dragon's Tail (negative) in Cancer (general security / USA), will bring dramatic results to the countries affected by this unrest and wars.

The 17thpositive Dragon's Head in Capricorn (government), the power to react and also the power to prevent domestic abuse collapsing on itself.

18th The positive Dragon's Head in Capricorn (government) will force the Army and the Navy to restructure and grow strong in terms of performance and technology. serious possibility of the return of foreign threats nuclear power project in July 2010 / January 2011.

19th The tail of the dragon of uncertainty cancer itself, leadingPoor, the same people that demand drastic decisions are made. July 2010 / January 2010/2011.

20th On a positive side of government waste and abuse policy seriously its internal police observed decrease.

21st On a positive side for many hide behind the unfair trade practices law and the handling is forced to participate in the redistribution of wealth.

On a positive side for the 22nd America's image and safety will be back soon2011th Shortly after June 2011, the entire legal / educational / religious system to implode on the road and restructuring.

Cancer 23rd will be conquered by an increase in the mail.

This universal power abuse and greed restructuring is obviously to stop! All companies that drain the resources of countries and people, a financial restructuring will be forced.

This is in New Dragon Capricorn the start of the ONE WORLDGovernment!

ASTRO 2010 forecasts

There are four significant negative SUPERNOVA window in 2010. Destructive Each "window" for 3-4 weeks of operation, therefore, caution should be strongly recommended at this time. Expected heavy loss of life through the destructive forces of nature, air disasters and structural damage.

December 2009 / January 2010: First SUPERNOVA window
From Sunday, December 20, 2009 to Saturday23rd January 2010

April / May: Second SUPERNOVA window
From Thursday, April 15, 2010 to Monday, May 17, 2010

August / September: Third SUPERNOVA window
From Saturday, August 18, 2010 Sunday, 15 September 2010

Third December 2010 / 7 January 2011: SUPERNOVA fourth window
From Sunday, December 5, 2010 through January 7, 2011


There is a concentration ofcelestial bodies approaching negative energy in an extremely careful while driving and expects the chain reaction of accidents. For delays, strikes, preparation, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the tsunami in Asia Northridge Los Angeles and Japan, the Kobe earthquake and other disasters the biggest yet. Remember, the foiled terrorist attack in August 2006 in the United Kingdom, where thousands of flights canceled BAbecause all the passengers do not check ALL bags before boarding their planes. These people do not have a copy of Moon Power and paid the price of ignorance and excessive delays and frustrations that could easily have been avoided had they been able to travel before or after these dates. Note: There are now 7.1 / 2010, under such a window, and BA message again with the possibility of strikes during the holy days.

Check all your appointments and if you can moveTravel and flying during this Supernova "window". If you must fly, how often do, just make sure you buy your ticket and book at the crescent moon and the stars do not interfere. Remember the Universal Laws do not care for birthdays or religious holidays or other, you think crossing the street while the light is red to ignore it or see a stop sign, then what happens to you. These laws are impartial and do not get written by men and God mixed up toSevere punishment.

Communication and power is cut, and a general loss of power is expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, airplanes, trains, automobiles, all these "tools" will be influenced by this energy. You will be stopped one way or another. People in the past is the message and give you your life. Do you expect trouble, "news or" at the post office, education, student strikes, prisoners to escape, newspapers, radio and industriesComputer viruses are able to molest again. Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars, etc.) and our taxes, because the scientist was the lack of knowledge of the stars wasted. As usual NASA, which has no knowledge of the science of astrology, our tax money with the missions failed due to bad weather and waste of electromagnetic interference.

In the name of ignorance a few years ago, following the Challenger explosion, the seven astronauts who lost their lives when NASA launchedShuttle under a "Supernova Window". Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi to the expectations on his site are for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years, NASA officials announced dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia, while the production of this window and again the night before you started the death of all courageous astronauts.

Marine life sharks, whales etc may also affect beach itself is reduced by Merkur their natural inborn navigational instrumentsSystems. All this bad weather and a waste of life and the premises must not happen. These forecasts are not directly influence, since to develop it. Instead, they are printed to help you prepare for setbacks and disappointments, so please be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance and those who are not aware of the astronomical order, including the management team of the NASA program will continue to pay a high price. In all matters of humanity,Ignorance is really angry. Why do not scientists, not for my research, science word of honor that is based on solid research, is solid evidence of intellectual snobbery. By dispensing with any physical or spiritual laws can only bring a penalty for the purpose of science to explore all options, even the laws written in the starlight.

Earthquake Predictions

Earthquakes usually occur when diurnal tidal forces of the situation, the cumulative stress on a fault is output. Hardplanetary aspects may appear to increase the load on an error. Perhaps Astrogeologists computers of the future can be, is the type of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which errors are more likely to do for the greater load.

Our U.S. dollar is going to tax state institutions as well established USGS / NWS, etc., but never in a million years give you the right timing when earthquakes will happen to the poor, while my research and my valuable insights obvious (andThe projections) are not repeated, but still not taken seriously. "I asked a fair review of my scientific work for the sole purpose of promoting Mans cosmic consciousness, which saves time, money and lives of many people."

Again, it helps me to know, forecasts indicate that 2010 for all you people. Please help me in my efforts to educate the world are preparing to bring and hopes that the human race.

Blessing for all

Dr. Turi
