Cosmic Gossip - Cancer 2010

Cancer never forget. Childhood memories are recorded and stored for the future. Souvenirs and memories are stored in drawers or closets loves old things cancer, and every piece of the past is a memory of a person, place or thing. Sensitive and vulnerable, sometimes the cancer can be easily hurt by criticism and harmless pranks. Moody as the most watermark, it is better to let time take care of things.

Childhood is the most important component of a child with cancer. The love of a mothercrucial, because the cancer is by nature a teacher, with strong ties to home and family. A healthy child can go a long way in creating a safe adult. Emotional and material security are two very important factors in the life of a cancer. Money & insurance are necessary comforts.

If you like a cancer, you should tell your partner every day. The sound of these three words, music. You should be aware of the need for family members. Cancer needs a home and family around them. Your life with aCancer partner is full of unforgettable family celebrations, comfort food and photographs. The best news is that your Cancer lover will never forget everything you do for him or her.

Aries (March 21-April 20) Aries Lady Luck is in harmony with the drum beat, add a little 'surprises and you can achieve and succeed. Watch over eating and overweight in general for next year. Other Aries gain insight and generous attention to your ideas. Finding the right people to leadYour plans. Cosmic Note: This month we all had a chance to organize things, organize, and end up, this ram is in the project daily, routine health problems and exercise.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) Taurus is happiest at home this month. Guests are possible, in particular, the sister or cousin. Your chance to end or the final details of a creative project is here. innovative touches turns the ordinary extraordinary. You cancollect a reward or recognition as well. Children are an important factor for the final product of your invention. Comic Note: Money talks this month may be, say, spend some money home.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Gemini can talk and talk, this month you have an audience. The opportunities are available locally, look for use on your congregation or neighborhood on communication skills. Friends in High Places are unexpected, have the welcome mat and placed in a different location onTable. Cosmic Note: feel compelled to complete an unfinished project at home. Whatever it is, work from home or repair This is the month to do so.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Cancer is to stay under the radar, is considered quiet. Perhaps this is a breathing space necessary to enjoy clear your head and wipe the dust off the corners. Make sure that the mind occupied. Cosmic Note: spending money on material things, it makes you feel good about yourself is always a good way of teaching is to givereproduce or things forward. Perhaps the opportunity comes to be inventive and creative, go a bit 'crazy. Happy Birthday

Leo (July 23 to August 22), Leo is looking Mighty end of this month, he or she has considerable charm. Some call it the look of love. Speak and communicate with friends and enjoy their company as a means of relaxation. I travel a lot, if you must, you have friends around the world. Cosmic Advice: Money may be the only thing that slows down. Finalize a long-termFinancing plan.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) Virgo pleased to know that things are getting easier. Just do not take risks ahead of time. Watch out for accidents, please. Of course there are no accidents, only things happen. Behind the scenes, you will be thinking of money and make a plan. Next month, work on it. Cosmic note: In career, you can speak and be heard. Financially, you can benefit.

Libra (September 23 to October 22) Libra is all happeningbehind the scenes or in your head? At night, when your mind off the lights still spinning, this month you will be especially vulnerable to these items. Consider this month preparing for the future. Other side is the good news /-of-the-blue messages out on partnership. Take the good and the not-so-good, and do the best. Cosmic Note: We are talking about travel or dealing with family, perhaps brothers or cousins, you plan andalso hold.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) Scorpio expect the unexpected daily life. Waking up is always a bonus, but this month, each day brings an experience out-of-the-blue. You can have grave and have a wild ride, this does not happen often. Do not worry, Lady Luck is on your back. Cosmic Note: Activities that force the parents or older friends, loose ends to tie. Perhaps these people keep workers and career, he smiled and spoke about themany.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Sagittarius enjoys discussing topics with a partner or one-to-one. Maybe a vacation, a romantic, on the grounds is scheduled on the calendar. Enjoy. Career Topics heat is what worked for sitting at the table. Tie the loose ends, work out the details and development. Cosmic Note: You have a happy touch of out-of-the-blue: "Life is a gamble, take the risk."

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) is in Capricornlast piece of travel restrictions, teaching. Organize, write a list, take on business and you can go to a place you never take. Of course, your professional status of a review is due in the coming two years now. Cosmic Advice: Unexpected Company and happiness comes home to you what you do not expect what happened. Many speak of this month with colleagues and be willing to make some extra cash bank.

Aquarius Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)the terminal on its ability to access funds so far have required. Someone else took the bag and made the rules. All that has changed, fill in all required or requested to receive information on what you need. Unexpected happiness through brothers or relatives, keep an open mind. Cosmic Consulting Your partner is your best friend, tell him of this fact today.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) the fish can start to breathe again, the last of the issuesRelations with the breath. spent much energy and there are some serious obligation on track and stay patient. Your happiness comes directly to you in unexpected ways. You could benefit financially. Cosmic Advice: Many people speak the home of many families, there is nothing better than with those you love.
