2010 color variations Japanese Promo Card Lottery

The best promotion for years hits the Pokemon community. In mid-July 2010 a new series of rare Japanese Pokemon cards come. This set is something of a sensation in the Pokemon community.

April to June 30, 2010, 2010 Entries accepted from. To participate in this contest, you must be a resident of Japan and buy two packs of both Heart Gold and Silver Soul Legends, Legends Revived or Lost Link. If you remove the barCode of two packages and forward it to the lottery headquarters, your name will be entered in a drawing set for this card beautiful.

There are two types of rare Pokemon promo cards. Course "A" Ho-oh Lugia and natural, and "B" has Suicune, Raikou and Entei. Can one course for each entry. The thing about these different Pokemon promo cards, is that the colors alternate. Each character has a special version of the normalColor. For example, Ho-oh has a tail blue and brown. Lugia has a purple stomach, Raikou has a yellow mane, Suicune a mane blue instead of purple, his face has a gray body, etc. Also, each character has a unique ability that is unique to that lottery campaign. The black star promo figures were not yet published, but my guess is that the missing numbers in the LP.

Still mad?

Now the bad news. These cards are a lottery, sweepstakes, whichonly open to Japanese residents. Only 1000 lucky winners will be selected for each course. Winners will be notified and the promo-cards sent in July sometimes half of 2010. Expect this at reasonable prices are not. With only 1000 in each series are available, they are very difficult to obtain. Some of you may remember the last promotion lottery, Pokemon had. Already in 2002, such a lottery where the winner has received the Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoiserare promo-set, or Meganium, Feraligatr and Typhlosion September These cards for about $ 100 per unit sold. My guess is that this new series might look like. But the difference is that the lottery in 2002 were 3000 of each set. This time there are only 1000 My guess is, they are also becoming increasingly popular and, unfortunately, more expensive. I doubt that these cards will be in English, this is probably the only time you will be able to get it.

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