BlizzCon 2010 - What to expect this year by Blizzard

Each year, thousands of fans flock to the event to see what Blizzard has in Serbian for them in the coming months. Blizzcon what makes it special is that unlike other conventions, fans will be carried by the faithful, Blizzcon Blizzard Entertainment is organized by the company in the game.

This year you can expect to see more footage of a game in hand on arrival. Last year, the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, announced Cataclysm, and people were given the opportunitysome of the previous level of play. Probably will be another tournament Starcraft 2, and look more into what Diablo has to offer third

Players will be able to ask questions, and their views will be given directly to the developers. All these questions will be broadcast live over the Internet and seen by thousands of people who could not solve.

Naturally Blizzcon 2010 is not complete without the infamous costume contest, whereto keep hundreds of people, costumes and stage show they did.

This year we can possibly support the public announcement of the next generation of MMOs Blizzard. Not much information is currently available for this project, despite receiving a series of leaks alleged Blizzard European office in Paris.

At the moment we do not know exactly when Blizzcon 2010 tickets on sale, probably around May. What we knowis that you must be prepared to buy when available. Last year the first batch of tickets sold in just 30 minutes.

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