Who was Velázquez?

What's another attempt to follow the latest hype or hidden camera? The reading of Francis Bacon - and the influence of his life in his paintings - whose work is currently exhibited in the Prado Museum in Madrid, I lived with another painter Velazquez. In the same article, Felix de Azua (El País presented Feb. 16) that we know from Las Meninas by Velazquez, Velazquez is not, we think it was.

For apparently was not a man but a woman. HistoryPortraits of "search for a birth certificate, which is not under his name, but under the name Isabel Velazquez. Suddenly everything's masterpiece by Velazquez - Las Meninas - again in a new light and new evidence is easy to interpret again to find the painting (eg, the pair is well reflected in the mirror as a man and a woman look exactly the opposite, as they really are).

But I do not believe it. This is just another trick to have life more interesting. FelixThe article begins with the "contrast between the ancient painting - follow the end of the world for a few aristocrats can understand to represent - the new painting and or current - which tells the order of individual genius, the comparison with the world chaotic. "

You could see the paintings of Francis Bacon, after his adversities in life, for example, to know during his stay in the east coast of Spain (Costa Brava), which led to the death of his wife.

In summary, de Azuaconcludes that the artist's life is important for the understanding of his work, whereas before, the job was only a vehicle of the time, according to Marx: belonging to the company. But when Velazquez was really a woman, then had historians to rewrite history. And we must always remember. Velasquez Imagine a woman and no one noticed ...

PS. A few days later ...
I knew it was only a trick, and I wonder why not see beyond the story of FrancisBacon Coast ... I had better check the source or, better yet, take a moment and think of me: What's going on here? Am I wrong there.

Not long ago, a News - Entertainment in Spain with someone by sending them a false report of a girl, Wyoming was the looting by El Gran present the program of El Intermedio. What followed was a discussion about how this could go under the label of everything entertainment can also confuse people onTruth? The program, which should get the band with the false news (Intereconomia), the authenticity of the material that have not been tested. Why? because the pressure of time, time to market.
The journalist was to test well, if readers were read thoroughly and verified (take a moment to think), if the story was true.

What does this mean for Velazquez? He was a man or a woman? I suggest you check yourself ...
