Astrological News you can use - April 2010

All times MDT =

With Venus in Taurus this month, 4/1-25, the focus is to love your body and appreciate your sensuality. Give your body the gift of massage, a relaxing massage, a session with a big hug your loved one or friends. Open your heart to love and accept your body as it is.

With Mercury in Taurus 4/2-6/10 help formulate your values, and then build a plan for implementing these values in your life. Thinking / sensory typePeople can make lists of things to do and then prioritize. For intuitive / types of sensors, suppose you have your intuition and imagination so that gradually build a roadmap how to reach their destination.

The New Moon in Aries 24 degrees 14:04 (05:29) lets talk about what you need emotional fulfillment. Moon in Aries encourages you to bring full awareness to your needs, so you can be present and authentic with others.

4/17-5/10 mercury drop (8.57pm) at 12 degrees Taurus helps us to see, by external events, the level at which our Mercury-function (or throat chakra) is running. If our communication skills are lacking in all areas, this is more obvious when Mercury is in decline. Mercury is in decline, a call for more perfection in our lives in the areas of speaking, writing, self-expression and our words.

Saturn in Virgo opposition Uranus in Pisces retrograde 4/17-26, challenges you to balanceChange from the status quo. Resistance to change is futile, so you see where you need to change and go with him. Would be an opportunity for the Conservatives (Saturn) and liberal (Uranus) to find out how to become really work with instead of against each other so well.

Like the sun in Taurus shift at 19:04 (09:30) you are asked to define and reinforce core values. By clarifying what you really value that is sign that you need support in everyday life.Without the knowledge of your core values are like rudderless ship adrift - the sea!

With Venus in Gemini of 4/24-5/20, it's time to listen to connections with friends and family, you have a moment. If you want to connect with someone, but on what they think, or look like you could be involved, then this is a great time to talk, you let your heart!

Communicate what they feel connected emotionally and physically must be markedFull moon at 8 degrees Scorpio 28.04 (5.20) The challenge this month is your need for binding, even if they feel vulnerable or afraid that you might disagree with others when it is necessary to recognize view.

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