Intellectual Property and Economics of Entertainment

There is buzz in recent weeks on how to Condé Nast, the New York Times and other publishers are actively preparing digital versions of their publications. The main message that will be ready for just-say, but much publicized Apple Tablet is like. Apparently, children from Cupertino to achieve this level of credibility that the money the company in view of the Tablet PC, the Apple-style might think pour l'initiationnext year.

Here's another piece of evidence that the written word began its inevitable migration from paper to digital media. Good news for Tree Huggers, bad news for the hammer mill, Champion, and who owns a printing press. Not that the tactile perception of a glossy magazine or a book well produced will probably be replaced by a sterile LCD any time soon. And we will not close the libraries and replacing them with servers in the giantnear future. Of more immediate concern, however, the effect of the alleged Apple Tablet and all too real Amazon Kindle can be the source of all that content - the authors.

Over the past 20 years, digitization has changed the music industry. album sales over the past decade to the point where a combined CD and download sales now only a small portion went to what CD sales alone accounted for in 2000. Thousands of music industry jobs are gone, then theyThousands of retail music stores across the country. Today is the primary source of revenue for artists is live. Like a rock star is not what it once was.

Other forms of digital entertainment such as movies and video games, the administration, to keep themselves from attacks by pirates at the moment. But just as the books are shared digital files, like their authors and publishers to be able to control distribution of unlicensed labor? If a King Stephen,a John Grisham, Dan Brown, or continue to produce works of fiction funny when sales begin to sink dollars? Unlike music, is not very lucrative market for live performance of an author.

There is no money in poetry, of course, and poets continue to write, right? The difference is that the poets to write for the purpose of self-expression, not to speak with others. A major difference between art and entertainment is that it requires a source of incomejustified its existence. This does not mean that works to entertain, not art, but do not forget that Shakespeare wrote plays for a living.

They can not, what we call "intellectual property" no longer get an idea of yourself. What can you hold the right of reproduction and distribution of its physical manifestations of control - hence the term "copyright". If the writers and publishers of a fast method of distribution to be so embrace naturevulnerable to illegal copying and distribution? If you had a love affair going tomorrow, you should be ready to be released in digital as well? You see a way to protect book authors in the future ... first again to write for the theater or on screen? I am interested to know if you do.


Robert Mattson

Executive vice president, creative director and copywriter

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