The Good News Bible

The Bible is the Word of God It contains 27 books of the New Testament and 39 in the Old Testament. And 'one of best selling books in the 21st Century and lighter, you would like.

It was written by multiple authors from different backgrounds, different professions and different countries for a period of about two decades. Surprisingly, his book with the same theme: "The creation, fall and redemption of mankind," from GenesisRevelation.

"It 's map of the traveler, the pilgrim, the pilot of the compass, the soldier's sword and the Christian character. Read it, test which we believe to be safe and practice it to be holy. Has a slight increase directly to the food support is to cheer and comfort to you. The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the fate of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its provisions are binding on its the stories are true, and its decisionsimmutable. "(Gideon).

Go, at once in his life of Bible times and had 35 of his death he had read the New Testament 73 times. He confessed before he died: "I always wished I could spend several hundred years in the Bible."

Most manufacturers provide manuals for their clients on how new machines are bland Guide. The Bible is the Creator and the manual contains all the necessary guidelines needed for the most complex machine in operationWorld, man.

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