The dangers of the new media landscape

Most of the media is through financial hard times. The danger here, especially when it comes to hard news and research, is when the real news to continue to lose ground to entertainment and sensationalism. Under the direction of the blog hype and reality television mainstream media seems to give a "what the public wants" approach to respond. This could be good, good, and as a way to generate revenue, but messages and preserveJournalism has never been the people what they want to have. Its primary objective was and is to educate and inform. Once you begin to replace the investigative journalism with scandals celebrity train wrecks and reality TV, we are giving away a very real sense the key to an informed public and a strong democracy.

The instinctive reaction is understandable, for these hard times for the media. According to state media, for 2009, the newspapers, including online,has seen advertising revenues fall 26% during the year bringing the total loss in the last three years to 41%. Local Revenue television advertising fell 24% during the same period. Radio decrease of 18%. And ad pages decreased by 19%, 7% Network TV (and probably more news only). online advertising revenue all fell about 5% and revenues to news sites that may be much worse than the data. Cable News sector commercial news not only to suffer declining revenues in recent years.

PanicMedia are changing the rules. Of course, it is important to maintain. And 'crucial. But the fun 24 / 7 public causes stunned and uninformed. Americans do not want to be uninformed, but they know not what they do not know. While the quality of journalism to bring the stories of corruption and misconduct is too bright, will not know these stories exist.

We replace polemics with news and entertainment.Learn that a star of sport Affairs held a number of messages is not his sensationalism. Other sales is not the answer, if it results only in more of the same. According to the Pew Research Center found his analysis of over a million blogs and social media sites are 80% of links to media heritage in the United States. The only old media industry with a growing number of spectators is hollow, a place where the majority of resources spent on opinionated hosts.

There are some encouragingand things in the media really get into the world, from former journalists to create Web sites and news sites specialties community of citizen journalists on neighborhoods, local blogs and social media. In 2009 showed, Twitter and other social media, how they disseminate information, and how they could mobilize people to act and react. The collective power of these sites was to circumvent the censorship in Iran and to communicate from Haiti after the devastatingEarthquake.

Yet this is not a substitute for the traditional work of the mainstream media. Media Challenge is now making a profit and the messages you want. But it is the media not only challenge. It is ours. If, due to economic constraints of the media not to reveal stories of corruption in both government and the private sector, there are the big losers.

Copyright © 2010 Anthony Mora

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