How to create a corner News

Think of a triangle. on the left side of the story I tell. To
You are right spirit or curent events.

The game objective is to create
a uniform triangulation, a center ... literally a "corner" for your story.

For example, if you have improved your business practices, you can use
the popularity of television and promote change your story as
"Extreme Makeover" for busy professionals.

By connecting to your storymore recently, significantly improve their chances
to be heard.

A good story with a mediocre seller is better than a bad story tells the
more articulate seller. The lack of intelligence is actually an advantage.

If you had the greatest press kit in the world, but a weak story I could not
get on the Today Show. But if I was pregnant with Osama bin Laden
Baby, I could have, coated with a fax.

Today in America, for better or worse, theCredible by the way we
visible. These are crazy times. Where there is no transparency, no
Credibility. This is how it works.

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