If the entertainment industry because of violence against women?

According to the national survey of crime victims, the crimes were not reported to police, 232 960 women in the United States were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006 included. This is more than 600 women every day! There are many factors for the increasing number of women contributing to violent attacks. The economic decline, foreclosures, and the unemployment rate higher in every year triggered a climate of anger, despair and hopelessness.

The> Entertainment industry creates images that reflect the company takes, which in today, and there is some truth in it that causes the abundance of murder, sex and rape to violent reactions in some individuals. But I personally do not think the media are an important contribution to violence against women is happening in today's society. It all begins in the family and parents have time for the education of their children, sex, and the doctrine that deprive them of their equalityapply in all cultures, races and religions. In return, the female members of a household should be taught self-respect and control the power, the fate of their lives without fear of intimidation and violence. Women and girls must learn to protect themselves, for self-defense classes or whether it is a transport device for personal protection as a gun with rubber bullets, pepper spray, mace or tasers.

At the end of the day, violence against women has not goneanytime soon, at least until the legislative reform under way, tried and sentenced as criminals. Ignorance of cultural beliefs, prejudices and somehow the media images of women as the inferior sex are all factors in the victimization of women globally. The elimination of $ 20,400,000 excluding funding to 94 domestic violence shelters in California, is another indication that violence against women is not taken seriously. Almost halfCentury after the feminist movement in the years 1960 / 1, took action, we really have a long way baby? If you think that women are still lower wages than men, their reproductive rights are under the microscope, and women in other countries are still being sexually mutilated, so that they can not reproduce.

It's not just blame the entertainment industry here, and in fact, were it not for the exposure of the horrific treatment of women through the art of cinema, many of us wouldignore the truth of what is happening not only in the U.S., but worldwide. We need to wake up and realize that not blame only one factor, but a collective response by centuries of intolerance, discrimination and chauvinism.

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