The Indian media assignment

There was once a time when the message I was sitting watching television alone, not for sitcoms or movies. Indian news channels about five years ago was executed, were made by professionals who knew exactly what the news the definition. After me, the intelligence reports say, but unfortunately no more.

Now he wanted to focus more on the messages that has dramatically if we play this right, then we have movies! We want intelligent newsa flavoring, cherry-topping information (apparently the definition of entertainment).

Take for example the recent marriage of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Sania Mirza or that. All means racing in bulk to obtain the first images are still in it now. Every channel I turn on the news of his marriage, who want to know hell, for which ITS married life? The people have matured enough, but the media is growing day by day too soon. It 'was theIf Aishwarya Rai's wedding back channels instead of three days and the news was for three days. OK! I know these are the celebrities, well then just a quote then why run for the party, do not you (the Indian media, of course) are other useful, smart, educational information be displayed?

Take a lesson from the BBC, the world number one and the best news channel, no news celebrity or the like, which Havestrip news and even a mention because they know that people do not even want there, you are busy with their lives.

The problem with Indian media is that we at least over 100 channels reported that rate as number one, that is, we have more than 100 the number of Indian news channel, which are unknown outside (it ironic, do not think so! ). On the other hand, there is a BBC, all recognized worldwide, evenpublic, in fact, will not. It's not just the BBC, CNN show even more of what I call intelligent news.

The main difference between the news channels BBC and Indian (or CNN), broadcast news is that these intelligent and news of former flavored.

After me, the biggest catalyst for change in India is the Indian media when they take a leaf from the notebook by the BBC or CNN or something, we will not change. Ionly hope for the best every time I turn on the TV ..

One last thing, thanks for the Bharat Bandh, we saved the marriage of another great flavored News (MSD).

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