11:11 - 11 November 2010 and November 11, 2011

The 11:11 phenomenon, where people continue to see this issue has been the subject of 194 million web pages, countless books and even has its own page on Wikipedia. There are a lot of speculation about its meaning, but it goes without saying that the 11:11 phenomenon of our attention.

The numbers have esoteric meanings, and a science that defines these meanings numerology, which is based on ancient wisdom. As a numerologist and to deal with the possibility ofThousands of numerology readings made me understand in relation to 11 Moreover, the mere observation of events that take place under the influence of vibration 11 and there is a pattern that defies coincidence. As we approach November 11, 2010 and November 11, 2011 soon to come, the people there are many questions of meaning.

The 11 is like a messenger and his message is addressed to a higher power. The message itself is intended to enlighten or inspire a personThe truth of a higher consciousness. Many people believe that having a repeat of the 11:11 shift in terms of spiritual beliefs have lived.

Through the life experiences of people who have the 11 prominent in their charts numerology, I can say with certainty that the 11 is a strong vibration. People have seen what we classify as "paranormal experiences" under the influence of 11. This may take the form of dreams, visions,prophetic information, psychological insight, astral travel, deja vu, and all forms of communication with the spirit that you can imagine.

Most of these same customers have to change a life experience that causes them to have more meaning to their lives and trying to find time, try to share what they learned with others. Creating the message of the "Messenger".

Looking back in history, Martin Luther King, Jackie Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Mozart and EdgarAllan Poe are just the tip of the iceberg of the famous 11s.

Events search history, which under the influence of the 11 occurred, particularly 9 / 11 and Hurricane Katrina (The name Katrina has added a 11 and landed on a 11 days) you can see a pattern of events important that occur when the current 11 ° These events should lead us to explore a deeper meaning beyond the headlines. What is the message?

11 The message is always connected with humanity, to awaken,to lift, inspire, enlighten.

November 11 this year and be particularly aware of the next year to 11/11/11, there is a vibration-day high and the connection to the spiritual realm is amplified. And 'certainly in the realm of possibility to have insightful, if not prophetic dreams, and a strong spiritual experience. You can find clarity on something you previously missed.

Meditation to connect with the Divine, but you define your Higher Power and openget your personal message of the day. Be sure to also look at the events important news of the day special.

God uses a universal language for talking with us and the language is that Universal FIGURES.

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