Watch Satellite TV Top Media Stories of 2010

Looking back to 2010, there are many stories, the media shine the real. It can be hard to remember what happened a year ago, and which are technically considered as last year, the message for which is why so many magazines, websites, directories and magazines like to compile. These lists remind people of where they were and what they did, as a polemic scandal and intrigue of the media is made. See if you agree with the last survey, ranking some of the top scandalsyear.

The world of late night television has been reversed this year, when Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno exchanged shifts. When O'Brien was a big Huff suffered Leno has taken his place, and reviews for all parties involved. Now, O'Brien back on TBS (even if fans need cable or satellite TV to catch the show now) and a successful play in the late evening of the program. It seems that O'Brien is still the last laugh with his big-dollar settlement and hot new show! Of course, the mereMillion are not something in addition to James Cameron to make a sci-fi epic "Avatar," which spent several weeks and months in theaters around the country this year. Another big seller? IPad Apple and Steve Jobs released. Revolutionized the way people use mobile technology, everything seems to be a working day for work behind the iPod, iPhone, and is now the iPad.

Other major titles in TV news that change the way the world works, as the trend toward mergerTelevision and the Internet. People are increasingly using the two exchanged every day, and the world is beginning to take notice. It 's easier and more legal security, the media can hold all the time, including the titles of the Beatles, who were finally released on iTunes. Later, the Internet television, media and Steve Jobs, the Beatles had a record worthy of the first week of online sales.

Some celebrities private life has made the list. If Sandra Bullock won an Oscar, was certainly aof the highlights of life through a very public divorce and the fraud scandal that follows one of their staff low. A new marriage is in preparation, but decided the other side of the pond where Prince William (one of the swinging bachelor of all time), the nodes with Kate Middleton, girlfriend of a long-standing ties. Although more than a professional relationship, Larry King will bid farewell to his first love, his TV commercials, this year with Piers MorganCome and take over. More on Fox is to leave another British success, Simon Cowell as a string of "American Idol," his idea, and one of the most popular programs on television. Finally, millions of fans have had a bittersweet reaction to the end of super-series "Lost," the ending, which has generated more questions than answers for many dedicated viewers. I think these are not the most important news media this year? Go online and weigh in some surveys for you!

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