The best comedy for 2010

The year 2010 is not yet complete. In fact, there are more months until the injury and the year-end sales start going to the mall. But now you can list hundreds of movies that really lifted the mood of the audience with laughter.

If you think Jim Carrey is the only actor who has the best comic stations again to think better. There are so many movies, Best Comedy 2010 can be considered as the. Adam Sandler and his Happy Madison Crew has just releasedits funny film titled Grown Ups. If it is Adam Sandler, is certainly a good movie, do not you think?

And you never forget Zoolander Ben Stiller? In July 2010, his "Little Fockers" was now in the film Robert De Niro and the rest of the family are doing now on various topics such as divorce, family, death and other realities in a very comical. Ben Stiller had another funny movie last March as the "Green Mountain", where he played as a soldier in NewYork. He took second place in the top comedies in 2010 by people who voted online.

What are you doing a stand-up or just another guy in a movie comedy, he would certainly rock the house down when he started his sketches. Chris Rock played in the movie "Death at a Funeral", which speaks of the funeral games of his African-American family.

But here is another film that would not be safe to be a part of the best comedy in 2010, nor whenonly their own "Jackass" thing. People are dying to see Johnny Knoxville's new film with the rest of the band. Part of the film and now comes the Jackass TV series Jackass 3-D. Now everyone can get a taste of how he feels Knoxville as this film shows a very different experience than the other is the donkey.
