The worst in Entertainment

Unfortunately, at the risk of offending one of my readers, I can not draw up a list of television programs, films and books that I hate more. I can not refrain from saying, however, evident that the flow of sit-com that came in 70 years some of the worst examples of comedy and drama that ever disgraced the stage of human history. Do not mess with. It 's a shame, because this brand of useless dribble has its beginning in big shows like "All inthe family "and also end up actors and directors such as Ron Howard, Rob Reiner, and Robin Williams. (Why the names all sound the same? Weird.) But it's as if an entire generation had a cultural huge dose of acid wrong during the 60 and 70 fell in all forms of art shows attempts vegetized weak half the population tries to return to normal.

I hope that I have sent quite a snob when it comes to art that I, and are in close my reviews of artists in general.There is no accounting for taste, as they say and I do not attack people, art, how awful, only the artist himself (though sometimes I wonder how in the world of low quality television entertainment is very ' years to run on any season in years. Maybe it's a conspiracy.

I have to watch once and really enjoy films that I consider to be technically "poor" in terms of action, drama, and the message. But they are fun. Among these I would also like Star Wars, Indiana Jones,and "Jurassic Park". Then there are artists such as Tim Burton, I do not know whether to worship or just hate. Maybe I have a little of both. An actor I like very much, Brad Pitt, and I have dozens of reasons for my preference for the adorable and very talented actor.

But the worst of the worst when it comes to mindless entertainment is a philosophical dialogue with an intellectual arrogance. In second place are so-called spiritual enlightened guys. But hey, II think part of that amount, so better not to burn any bridges there.
