2010 turmoil and uncertainty - time for Opportunity

If you are restless and anxious, as the world out of control and maybe your life they feel is doing the same, we know that is a good reason for these feelings. Turn off any news program and you will see situations of unrest, violence, chaos and a great fear around the world, with constant surgence of natural disasters, economic problems and many other devastating.

We are rapidly approaching a major change in our country and life, and it is veryscientific reason for this shift. Our solar system is constantly moving and shifting, and how it works, there are often a feeling that our turbulent life. Now is a time like this. There is a sense of discomfort with a shifting foundation.

It 'hard to imagine that the planets light years away can affect us on Earth. You still want to magnetic fields of the planets influence our lives. Hit us on a personal level and globally. From May 27 UranusAries is entered for the first time in 84 years, and remain there until mid-August once again next spring for six years. On June 6, Jupiter occurs even at 0 ° Aries, so that Uranus and Jupiter will be united in 0 degrees of Aries. We have not seen is this combination of Uranus and Jupiter in more than 200 years - not much time since the Revolutionary War. This summer there will be the beginning of an astrological event as a Cardinal Grand Cross announced on 26 June Herold, in whichdifferent planets in the form of true cross. This is very important for the birth charts for the United States and the Federal Reserve.

A solar eclipse takes place July 11. With the U.S. chart with Sagittarius, we can expect that the messages will see the U.S. economy is dominated, may be increased seismic activity as well. 29. July 30 will host an opportunity for the explosive power as a planet in the next four or above 0 degrees.relationship problems can go deep, both personally and globally, volcanoes erupt again. People can experiment with impulsivity and explosiveness verdict was wrong and very serious consequences. new leadership can emerge and then to higher levels of consciousness are easier to achieve. Signs will show the transfer, a new world of things to come in an instant! Creativity, patience, endurance, and - It 's an opportunity for growth at all levelsIngenuity. Individuals may feel as if they were already standing in a place where all that is left, which has stripped them of most.

Astrologers have observed the approach of this phenomenon for some years. Nobody knows for sure how to play these energies, but these events may be beyond the current expectations of anyone. It is not something to fear, but be aware and ready to experiment, is the unknown that creates so much fear in us.Many say that this is the lowest point, the final deflation of the bubble has lost air for a few years. Although a low point at the end of July there is for the low country and the world for some time experience.

Looking back at your life and you will find that although many problems and unpleasant situations arising in your life, you made it. After all, you're reading this now to try this! Then again, no matter what happens in the coming months,where the probability of doing what ever is coming your way. Most of the time when things feel like they're upside down shot, we get stronger and show our strength and so amazing to be a winner.

I think every time we experience something devastating or problems in our lives, we just got a wonderful opportunity. When times are tough, it's time to use our imagination. Perhaps it means to restore and regroup before returning to the front, or perhapsmeans moving in a direction completely new because the old no longer works. Anyone who has ever been successful, probably share a moment where there seems, at least in the world. This is the 'failure' or lessons that helped them to create their current success.

We are rapidly approaching the age of the way we speak in the coming months, we must make a choice. We're going to do with fear and anger, anxiety,disappointed and devastated, or decide to get up and pursued with vigor and determination, and create a better life and the world? It 's all a matter of choice and how to react to the situation in hand. You are obliged to create life and the way in which you want to know, can be overcome, it seems to you, or are found side by side when I take a pebble stone that, angry and complain because your skin to the aversion Knee causes?

Our world is made of duality.If something does not work, something is different. When it is dark there is light somewhere else. After a storm, there is a possibility, the bright sun and, perhaps, a beautiful rainbow. If the destruction occurs, we create. Life changes, the process of throwing out of your comfort zone in a temporary grave, but up and out into a new area that the potential to be better than the previous one, for your resilience and resourcefulness has.

How thingsDrop DEFLATED on the bottom in the coming months, no matter what appears in your life or the world to seize as an opportunity to start over, you need to create your dreams from the bottom up, though. It 's time of great change in our lives and our world, to remember the time, what really matters, what really matters. If you are a Lightworker, that lights the way, and contribute to stumble their darkness?

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