Film Review - Introduction (2010)

CONCLUSION: intellectually and visually appealing, if not emotional, "Inception" is a fascinating film that demands your attention from the start with its complex plot and fast action.

The good: director Christopher Nolan has cemented his reputation as a film maker in the world. "Inception" is his pet project, and carry a movie, take your brain with you in debt, but also for those who are able to satisfy their need for actionSci-Fi or fixed. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Cobb, an extractor, which is highly trained to steal when you enter people's dreams and their secrets. This is a chance his name to an alleged crime he is accused by the Americans of Saito (Ken Watanabe), who clearly needs a 'idea to implant his rival Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy) spirit, has offered to dissolve its multi-national companies, and then the end of the competition. From there, the film is a fascinating exploration of the dreamcompared to reality as Cobb and his team conduct their mission. Nolan deserves a great deal of credit for the construction of a film, where you can see exactly what is happening, especially because this movie goes to the level of dreams within dreams within dreams. In each round, you know exactly where you are until you are in eighth place. The film has some great action sequences and the fact that the dream world is not real and is malleable to a lesser extent, for example, inScene where you see a city bend. Nolan is clearly inspired by James Bond, The Matrix and other similar films, but he manages to do something unique here. The cast he has assembled is first rate. "Inception" certainly has to prove to Hollywood that if you actually cut the nerve to make a real director loose on an original concept, then they are, and the public that are actually winners.

The bad: It pains me to say anything negativeAbout the film, but despite intellectually exciting, a feast for the eyes, and a show of action, Nolan is a film that feels very clinical building. You do not hear too much about what happens to the characters or their situation. This is more than made up for with intelligence and great storytelling, however, did. Another point is that Leonardo DiCaprio is a service that offers very similar to the one he delivered in Shutter Island, but you could also argue that the context inIt gave the characters in both films is very similar, given their separate from reality.

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