Pisces Horoscope month for September 2010

Some big changes are underway, and you may find that you can upshift and downshift at regular intervals. It may be that other people should play an important role.

This has a lot to do with the season. For most of September, the Sun through the Virgin, the move in the opposite direction, and is a time of year when other people are hard to avoid. In particular, it may require one-on-one partnership that attention.

On September 8 is a New Moon in Virgo. Onthis stage, there could be some interesting events that play themselves to be in the next two weeks. New people can come into your life, and if you're already in a relationship and your partner will be involved, branch off into new directions.

Also on Sept. 8 and Sept. 9 after each time zone, Jupiter in Pisces. This is good news. Jupiter is the planet of luck, and now and the beginning of 2011 you are lucky that betweenMedium. So if you feel that you missed a chance earlier this year, there will be at least one more chance to benefit from it.

the movement of Jupiter in fish could also be good for your career. You'll be amazed at what you do and your colleagues really appreciate your presence.

On 18 September 19 makes a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Use this link to surprise everyone do somethingthis is really original. But make sure that you take things too far - one wrong move with a small earthquake, which could create in everyone, including you, can hurt.

As you move the end of September, the situation is increasingly unstable, and it will be hard to know what's going on - whether to make a special effort to listen to your feelings. But if you understand the chaos that surrounds it can benefit you.

So keep calm,Fish, and happy holiday!

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