The importance and Facts About Indian Gaming

In 2009, more than 24.5 million Americans have visited Indian casinos, and saw firsthand the progress made by Indian tribes. Nationwide there are 237 tribes in 28 states gaming, creating new jobs to finance essential public services and rebuild communities. Some of the statistics of different strains in the United States, which together with an exciting happened:

• 26.2 billion U.S. dollars of gross sales.
• $ 3.2 billion in gross receipts from relatedHospitality and entertainment services.
• 628 000 jobs at the national level for the Indians and our neighbors.
• $ 9,400,000,000 in federal tax revenue and savings.
• 2.4 billion in state taxes, revenue sharing and regulatory payments.

important story about Indian casinos and Indian sovereignty. Long before Columbus arrived in America, the Indian tribes were independent principles. recognized since the early days of the Republic, the United States' sovereignAuthority of Indian tribes. In 1778 saw the first treaty Indian tribes asserting the rights of self-government and the Constitution, the sovereignty of Indian tribes in both contracts and amendments Indian trade.

The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) protects the game as a means to promote "tribal economic development, self-sufficiency and strong tribal governments." Across America, schools and hospitals are built, dirt roads are paved and clean drinking waterflows, sometimes for the first time. The benefits of Indian gaming are far reaching and extend in many directions.

Regulation. No one has a greater interest in the integrity of the game as Indian tribal governments. Today, Indian gaming is the Native American success story. tribal governments to use their net revenues of the game for essential public services, education, health, police and fire, water and sewerage service, transportation, finance, child and elderly care. And to buildbasic community infrastructure, schools, hospitals, water systems and roads. tribal governments also give generously to charitable causes in the total value of over $ 150,000,000 per year.

After nigra, the tribal governments in 2009 spent approximately $ 350,000,000 for the regulation of their industry, which has provided about 628 000 jobs available across the country for funding. Of the $ 350,000,000, tribal governments spent $ 260,000,000 for the regulation of their gaming facilities financed. tribal governments also provided $ 80 million to statesfinance regulation. tribal governments casino industry standards and internal controls are adopted, the tribal governments to meet the Title 31 (Bank Secrecy Act). In addition, the Indian Nations have extensive security and surveillance systems for casinos network technology sharing and monitor created.

Federal agencies with monitoring report of Indian gaming, including the FBI, the IRS, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshals, attorneys general, Secret Service and the Bureauof Indian Affairs. Tribal Gaming Compacts-states offer state regulatory power in Indian game, even though IGRA recognizes that the federal government has primary responsibility for managing relations with the sovereign Government of Indian Nations. Most states have a state office provides for the regulation of gambling gambling in the state. The degree of state regulation varies from state to state compact, depending on the state-tribal government.

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