News you can use astrology - January 2010

Venus, the planet is the core of values through Capricorn until 1/1-17 helps you be more pragmatic and realistic about what can be achieved. One way to do this is to see the spending habits and see if you "put your money where your heart is."

Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn square 1/10-2/14 bring the potential for a breakthrough in the peace process at both global and personal. With the '/ Saturn aspects Pluto, there are a huge amount of energywhich is under pressure. His best way to deal with this step, it is ready to let go of being right. What is fair, just and equal priority must be to static forms and structures that are astringent and are no longer needed to take.

Saturn goes retrograde in Libra 1/13-5/29 and helps you learn to focus your attention on gender equality in your relationships. This may be prepared as an opportunity to support one another or the creation of structures, consistency, reliability and the creation of research. Trust

With the new moon in Capricorn 24 ° 14:01 (00:12), the challenge this month is to live with a pragmatic and realistic fire. The New Moon in Capricorn asks you to get in tune with the natural self-confidence and take the necessary steps to create internal and external security.

Neptune in Aquarius is helping the same extent of Chiron 1/16-3/20, dissolve (Neptune), wounds (Chiron) separation. This is the time for old wounds of separation, abandonment of Healing,Alienation and feelings are not supported in your life. The veil between you and your deeper connection with the universal support at this time. It 's time to let go of the old stories of separation and open the connection that is always there.

Jupiter moves in the sign of the fish for 1 / 17 / 2010 -1/22/2011 invites us to expand our ability to support the universal trust. Jupiter in Pisces reminds us that we are connected to a larger whole, which are not separate fromGod / Goddess. We are asked to consider how we can overcome our separateness and to exercise more in the understanding of what the consciousness of unity is really the next year. The key words to facilitate this process are surrender, faith and trust.

Venus in Aquarius 1/18-2/11 help introduce a new paradigm of the relationship of mutual dependency and freedom instead of co-dependency. Venus in Aquarius can help open your heart to more intimacy and authenticity in allTheir reports.

The Sun is in Aquarius at 19:01 (21:28) helps heal wounds, for the alienation or which do not correspond to E 'a good time for the team from your insights and visions of how the world through positive change progressive and is destined to be transformed.

The Full Moon at 10 degrees Leo at 01:29 (11:18) to improve your ability to get through the proclamation of the divine child in care. The divine child is the source of your creativitySpontaneity and enthusiasm. Tap into your sense of wonder and amazement, joy and vitality that you received by all currently and in the moment.

James Jarvis, MA (all-time MST =)

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