A winner of many losers: Why X-Factor is a dangerous form of entertainment

I never took my heart with X-factor. The audience was hysterical, the condescending judges, and the actors behave as if everything depended on their lives on the outcome of the vote a single telephone line. But there is also a much more serious consequences of a show like this. It is a kind of entertainment that is totally lacking in balance and moderation, saturated as it is a circus in the fanatical "success or failure" mentality of a Roman. This means that it is morally shallowand so depressing. It 's the product of an amoral society and in a dangerous cycle feeds back into society, their morality 2D "a winner, many losers."

HDF Kitto, the classic Victorian "said the ancient Greeks," The sense of the totality of things is perhaps the most typical feature of the greek spirit. "He said the Greeks to see the good and bad at the same time, knowing that every victory lies the seed of future defeat. This is not pessimism, but only goodObservation in the round. Seeing this simple way, the whole picture of the life of a person known to have made the greatest philosophers of the world. "Pan Metron Ariston" means "everything in moderation is best", which depicted the ancient Greeks, the level of Arete, or virtue. The danger of X-Factor and other popular entertainments such moderation, moderation, moderation of a hysterical song for victory at any cost has been sacrificed. Virtue (maybe we can call "fairplay ") goes right out the window.

Someone who has secured a massive transfer fee to the sport and won the lottery, or for that matter, the X-factor is obtained unbridled adulation in the short term, but the consequences of glory, times when they are no longer the center of ' attention, or when Lady Luck, if you will, has moved on, bringing a different, perhaps more difficult, a kind of happiness. How do they face? Where is the pride they take their frustration? "Pride comes before a fall" is theold-fashioned kind of wisdom that are no longer fashionable, but the nature that helps individuals create a balanced and just society. We are losing sight of the suffering, and then for them in all areas of public life.

The mentality of X-Factor makes us all in a desperate competition for a prize does not exist. This can have serious consequences. If part of the population begins to feel betrayed by their perceived right, as in the case of students recentlyProtest against university fees, or if you feel in a position of authority over their position demands the right to the temptation of less virtuous is all-consuming. Since there is no gray area of ​​morality, not the balance between success and failure, but only one or the other, individuals are encouraged to conduct mad commit fraud or deceive as to costs. A society that promotes-or-die mentality teaches its citizens behave like animals, not humansBeings.

The United Kingdom is these days can reach the political model of a Greek polis as a man. Ironically, the capital of a mayor, Boris Johnson, who is a supporter of the classics, and who understands the concept of Greek ideals. But the country has pursued policies more in line with the Wild West as the cradle of democracy, both of Great Britain humiliated and frustrated its citizens. The show X-Factor is the epitome of a shootout sophisticated. E 'depressing, becausesuggests that earns many thousands of candidates who auditioned for the show, ultimately, only one of our admiration. This is not just a lie that both the producers and the winner of the show, making millions of pounds, but a dangerous illusion or imagination, which promotes a company in 2-D-morality as a whole. Do-or-die as a motto, while valuable in the defense of the Alamo or escape Dunkirk, a dangerous road, their lives every day to live.

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