Uranus astrological forecast for April 2010, Part 2

I'm sure many of you have noticed an increase in earthquakes in the world, and I'm sure many of you have been considering that Saturn was transiting back and forth along the cardinal. I was aware of an earthquake of 7.1 in China and Saturn is only 15 minutes from 0 Cardinal, and Uranus is squaring Hades, and Mercury is preparing to go back to playing with Ade, Uranus, Saturn and the cardinal axis. (I have described the relationship between Mercury Stationretrograde and this planet, if my forecast for April 18) I am sure that the earthquake have continued and even worse on this planet continue to dance along with Cardinal 0. If, in fact, I think it will be even worse if Jupiter will get there. Many think that Jupiter does things and situations better, Jupiter expands everything that is not between good or bad. Jupiter expands, it can not participate in a negative and a positive Jupiter Sun expand positive sidegranted.

15. April is here and you have until midnight to file taxes. Sun is squaring Vulcano, may one day feel their oats. And with Venus + Mars = Mercury, you can reward with one night's date, or your husband / wife or partner. If you do not fall into this category, then just one more night with a friend or colleague. This will not be involved in the chaotic Uranus + news of the day, like Mercury + 0 = Cardinal Saturn. It isIt would be like Chinese children feel in the finger device, the harder it is to pull the trigger more fingers in the machine to stay.

Friday, April 16, Mars = node + sun, love is in the air and some of you out there is inhaled. This meeting is a picture of a planetary companion. If you are already a member of the duo, this would be a good time for a romantic evening mate be with you. And his Venus semi-square Kronos will be some of you prepare for a wedding, how many are expectedtheir refund checks. Sign up for unemployment checks because some many people wonder aloud how the government is our money, in protest at local or national level.

Saturday, April 17. We have to go to another station retrograde Mercury. I suggest you stay close to home, the chances of the top is stuck in a traffic jam is much higher than normal. to go back in a station is not moving. It is not, I repeat it now, not a car today!

At the same time, Mercury+ + + Pluto = Venus Zeus so careful when you park your car today you can get a ticket or tow your vehicle. If you park your car in a parking lot or garage as her dinner party or to visit the theater, you can discover a lump or a deep scratch, if you claim it to go. Dinner is at the theater or a very good start. If you are careful, it will be a fun evening with friends as the center of Venus, Jupiter + 22 1 / 2 at Uranus. JupiterHe is also a 22 1 / 2 degrees Neptune aspect, good for music and movies, bad for the payment of the check without checking carefully.

Sunday, April 18 Happy Mercury Retrograde. Mercury drops to 12 degrees and 38 minutes of Taurus, or go 12 '38 "fixed set. 12'38 27'38 is semi-square" variable, which means that the axis of Mercury 27'38 variable = 0 + + suddenly some unexpected bad news to hear the cardinal Saturn, Uranus. The messages may relate to aDeath or a person or company. Keep checking your e-mail and keep checking the news online in terms of attracting financial markets Venus Uranus Neptune Pluto + + + = so

Monday, April 19. Although Mercury has another 5 minutes he started is still in the station period of time and something new this time is not moving is not a positive result and will be able to be straightened. Remember, mercury is a global image with 0 Cardinal, Saturn and Uranus. ESun + Neptune + Uranus = Saturn, will be a day which is not much value, like a dog chasing its tail will be.

20. April begins with the sign of the sun changes, and is the center of the moons nodes, and cardinal-axis and + Cupid Saturn = Mars, it seems that mass events to the showing. At the same time, Saturn and Uranus = + Ade with Mercury still involved with this combo axis, there will be more financial problems, as we heardspeak of an increase in crimes such as muggings and pickpocketing. Sun + Mercury = Venus Spring has thoughts of love that even if it's Tuesday, a romantic dinner or a bag of popcorn and a video rental joint has the same effect as playing. Remember, Mercury is still in decline.

21. April, Node + Pluto = Venus, Admetus, do not succumb to pressure from the other, can return to work and family situations change and bite in the ass, when Mercury goes direct.When a new career position and a better deal in depth research before giving an answer. Venus is in conjunction Admetus is, it is perhaps not so well economically as it sounds, especially Jupiter + Pluto = Uranus. If you take the view, select a start date around or just after the station of Mercury. The day ends as the sun will focus Pluto and Neptune. Be sure to explore in depth all offers to you at this time

Thursday, April 22 to make the financial frameworkchanged and not for the better, as Sun + Venus = Saturn and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto = + + = 0 + Ade Cardinal. A Saturn and Ade involved with the money planet Venus, Jupiter and Pluto, you have to watch where you're money and what it does. Today is a day to throw caution to the wind, but the extent of your knowledge that you really have an interest, how to expand in the center of Venus, Mercury and Apollo are exploring.

Friday, April 23. The day beginsThe cardinal with 0 + = Jupiter Mercury, looks good, except that other planetary systems is the image in the works now is Sun Admetus + + Pluto = Saturn and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus = +. The financial news is not too good, especially with regard to the real estate market. People will still have problems that their mortgage payments and / or sale of their property. Sun + Jupiter = Venus is square Neptune, the increase in financial fraud. Check all invoices and bank statements and presentChanges when you buy with your pocket.

Saturday, April 24, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn = + +, the financial news today is not good Mercury. Could now be had to its argument in terms of money spent or borrowed. Plus + Sun = Jupiter, Neptune, be very careful of deception and lost due to theft.

Sunday, April 25 Cardinal sun + + = 0 = Ade Jupiter Mercury, Mars remain on the road, in fact, I do not recommend any travel today. Mercury and Mars, the arguments and can lead toin Road Rage. Anger can be taken advantage of stem cells, and since it is Sunday is to do very little to rectify the situation, it is a good day to clean, clean the gutters of your house or garage, or just general spring cleaning. Everything to do to relieve the pent-up anger.

Monday, April 26 ha, Jupiter + Pluto = Saturn, the financial situation is not so great news, especially since Saturn and Uranus are Cardinal and center 0 Hades, hasGlobal financial problems. There are a lot of today's financial totals as Sun + Mercury = Jupiter, and since Mercury is in decline, and Saturn is in the picture, which tells us that we thought was over is back.

Tuesday, April 27 is Mercury compared to Poseidon, a day for spiritual enlightenment, in other words, if you understand the best strategy to meditate or pray that before you start the day, it was in the middle. The Jupiter Jupiter + Mercury + Sun = as Saturn, Uranus =Venus, all eyes and thoughts on the disturbing financial picture. Remember that Jupiter and Saturn, Pluto will meet again, not good if you're distracted, but for those who are economically well.

Wednesday, April 28. The day starts with a full moon with the sun in conjunction with Mercury and could be semi-square Jupiter, you have a good day when you've had a lot of attention paid to what happened in the last days. You can do what you have learned from the work for youIn the early afternoon as the Cardinal = 0 + Jupiter Mars. The day ends with Venus 22 1 / 2 Jupiter 0 Center Cardinal.

Thursday, April 29 Venus is 22 in 2:01 for the Cardinal as Ade Ade + 0 = Uranus, Please, Please make sure your computer security up to date, and if you get no protection from identity theft, card credit protection, fraud by your bank. On this day the world will rise to a fraud scam, big time, from all over the world. At the same timeSun + Mercury = Jupiter to be sure, if you pay attention to the totals. tries to search for summer offers, but do not buy or commit to anything. Remember, Mercury is still falling, (I am your conscience).

Friday, April 30. The day begins with Venus 22 1 / 2 to Uranus, Saturn, Uranus = + Hades, the week ends with the financial framework is not looking to good. At the same time, Mars, Jupiter Sun + = Ade, we heard rumblings of layoffs working at the same time we hear about big bonusesgiven out in the world of finance. Sun + Neptune = Kronos, the leader, be it state or corporate bonds are not too honest for his constituents on this.

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