Online publication: Lindsay Lohan vs. Immigration Reform - which is more valuable?

The Good News

It 'been a great interest in stories Perfect Market, Inc.' s Vault Index Summer 2010 "," arguing that the "hard" news light are more profitable than "the value of advertising clicks between the two types of stories when it is compared. In other words, advertisers pay publishers for clicks ad a lot more on hard news stories as ads or in the pages of soft news.

For example, stories aboutImmigration law with a value of $ 26 per 1,000 impressions, and stories of condemnation of Lindsay Lohan generates $ 2.50 for 1,000 impressions. The news story deep, clicks were more than 10 times more valuable.

In addition, a study by the University of Pennsylvania, the deep, interesting (or "awesome" as she put it) has generated stories more "sharing" - that is, the stories were sent on blogs, on Twitter, shared on Facebook, etc.

This seems to be encouraging news for peoplethe despair of vapidness of the web. However, if you dig into the statistics, it is clear that awesome or "stories" hard news "can be profitable, or stand on their own.

The hard questions - long-term value and Bottom Line

Before SEOmoz, a search engine optimization experts found the place was perfect Market data a bit 'wrong.

SEOmoz in particular wanted to see:

The value of the proposed link these stories

In other words, whatPositions are the history and the amount of traffic or as a value (from a seller in sight) of the link is their audience? Do these visitors click to other stories, too? These data are important for search engine optimization, and can be measured with the right tools.

The impact of visits generated branding

If visitors think of the site for the hard news in the future? The history of increasing the stature and value for site visitors to read the story? LearningThe answers to these questions is a bit 'difficult, but it will provide valuable data for a publisher.

The value of the sharing activities of these visits

This is what the article in the New York Times. Visitors have the article e-mail to a friend? People have to subscribe to RSS or by e-mail when she visits the article? Visitors have the item posting to Facebook and tweet the articles? This is something that all online publishers should be a given assembly.

SEOmoz isI wonder if the big picture and the long-term revenue, the hard news stories offer valuable as revenue.

Second, neither discussed nor SEOmoz Perfect Market, the cost of the content itself - a critical part of the data for the analysis of profitability.

"Soft news" is cheap. Let's face it - any idiot with a digital camera and can create a blog post on a controversial celebrity. Good, solid journalism requires expertise, resources and hardto work. In other words, high-quality content takes time and money.

For a publisher, it would seem that the real problem: if a stupid story about Lindsay Lohan costs 10.01 times less than a story about immigration law, why not go back to your site Gawker or TMZ?

Fortunately for democracy (and mind), confirms what the smart publishers and editors have always known that analysis: You need a balance of news, entertainment and opinion. Fluff door in my eyes, seriouslyStuff keeps the audience engaged, share, and they all make money in their own way. The trick is to figure out how to allocate resources and content, so that the publication is profitable.

Strong analytical help.

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