Bonnaroo 2011: The greenest music festival in 2011?

Bonnaroo is considered by some as one of the hottest music festival of the year. But it is also one of the greenest? When the news of his 2011 statement on the streets (Eminem, Lil Wayne, Arcade Fire, just to name a few) is worth noting that in 2010, the team Bonnaroo out to zero to reduce green set up to show the ecological footprint. This is commendable, because if we all do our part to reduce our footprint: the protocol was undertaken in 2010 for the warmest yearand climate change is probably the explanation for more frequent and severe storms year. However, talk about the Bonnaroo website bit 'of green from its target of 2011 .. I am concerned. The green team must remedy this deficiency if the visitors hope with green attitudes: for example, on their "What not to bring" page, they include polystyrene and plastic bags ... very commendable. But why not more (reusable plastic water bottles for free, biodegradable soaps and shampoos, etc.) andwhy do not prominent advertising for their efforts to go green on their home page? I can only accept it because the organizers hope that the event is to make green, a condition that will have more control over the people once they have entered the 700-acre "farm in Manchester Tennessee.

Bonnaroo fans are expected to be immediately placed under water in a culture of sustainability - or at least a shot at him. In 2010, the green team Bonnaroo is a zero-footprintEvent, and although this goal was by far are true, have been successful in obtaining one third of waste from landfills contraction. But much waste was produced. And while recycling and composting bins have been used to their full potential, because with the same dirty energy that drew from a controversial Power Company has been provided, the Tennessee Valley Authority's electricity. Offset their carbon is a good start, but it is not necessary to reach the next level, with energy-generating dance floor?

So weBonnaroo organizers applaud for the realization of the importance of minimizing the environmental impact of the event, but hopefully not this year, the Festival Superstars & Green. We also encourage fans to respect the environment to do their part!

If you have ever attended Bonnaroo or intend to participate in Bonnaroo 2011, please let us know what you think of the case, the objectives are to reduce their budget!

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