Yoga principles of fair play

Many of us have the value of Ahimsa (non-harming) learned. But humanity seems mainstream, eager to violence and violent entertainment. News and entertainment is often built around violence. How can we create the vicious circle of violence thoughts into action? It appears wired into our DNA.

Perhaps we should see the principles of mercy, compassion and fair play. These higher thoughts make us unique as a species. The concept of fair play iswell known. Some of us grew up and trained to follow the rules. We raise our children to follow the rules, but there are areas where it is inappropriate to the idea of ​​following the rules.

On the surface it may, like politics, business and sport flying in harmony seem. However, the field of play is not exactly right. We try to sporting events, for example. If a referee makes a bad call, the coach of the team that will benefit from the error dispute it? For this further:Club operate reporting and reading the signals of other teams all the time. Competition for the best if its the same as the races less moral.

Therefore, it seems that we have learned more than one set of rules as to what we play fair. In yoga, the practitioner learns his health at the physical, mental and emotional to compensate. Without us, with a particular religion, those who have reached equilibrium measure physical, mental and emotionalrational.

The end result is that training is a car needs to be balanced will cause spiritual growth and beauty can be improved. Ahimsa is a good example of a universal principle, shared by most people in the world. but also shows kindness to others; Ahimsa is often "no harm" as described.

To demonstrate the principles of Yoga are of fair play, loving kindness towards others is based. We often view the principle of Ahimsa from the perspective of whatyou can not do - rather than focusing on what is the right thing to do.

A final point to mention on the application of fair play to everyday life - when an emotional situation arises, may be better to keep your mouth shut, instead of just the pages. It 's very difficult to attain holiness all the time, but when it's time to fully digest the situation before you speak, you have to take lot of regrets in not.

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