Video Submissions - Websites to Upload Or Submit Your Video For Maximum Exposure

In this article, I'm going to show you how and where to upload or submit your video so it gets maximum exposure online. I'll even show you how to make money from your video online.

Most people with video content will limit themselves to only uploading their videos to YouTube, which isn't necessarily a bad thing because that website has millions of users logging on per day, but your YouTube video is treated like a needle in a haystack as thousands of other videos are also uploaded there every day.

So where else can you upload your videos that will have a million other web surfers watching your content? Here are the best of the bunch...

Facebook (tips below)
Google Video

Facebook Video Tips (adding to groups & video tagging)
Being a member of the world's largest social network has its advantages. Here are some short but powerful tips on how to virally spread your video throughout this social network... Upload your video to your Facebook profile, then search for Facebook groups related to your topic and add your video to the groups. Another sneaky method of promotion is to tag at least 50 of your friends in your uploaded video (even if they aren't in it) because each of those 50 friends will have at least 200 friends each and their friends will see your video show up in their daily news feed. Your 50 friends multiplied by their 200 friends each = 10,000 possible views! This method may offend any friends who object to being tagged in a video they aren't actually in, so choose who you're tagging very carefully.

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