Men's Biological Clock

People usually talk about biological clocks as something women have to be mindful of - women are reminded to not put off their pregnancy for too long. Theoretically women can give birth in their 40s and many do but the risks of infertility and giving birth to a baby with defects increase by every passing year.

But what about men? Up until recently a man's age was not considered a factor in fertility and conceivability. Regardless of a man's age, if he is able to perform sexually his fertility was until recently not questioned.

Recent research, however, has shown that men too have a biological clock to be mindful of. According to Dr. Harry Fisch, director of the Male Reproductive Center at Columbia University in New York City - as reported by USATODAY- "there's a decline in testosterone of about 1% per year for men after age 303.

Experts still have a difficulty pinpointing which men run a risk of conceiving a child with birth defects, as just like with women "The problem is the biological clock ticks at different speeds for different men," Dr Fisch explained.

Men will be relieved that their biological clocks usually won't start ticking up until they are in their 50s according to Dr. Larry Lipshultz, chairman of the American Urological Association's Council on Reproductive Health.

"As a man gets over 50, his sperm count decreases statistically but not clinically significantly," Lipshultz said. Which basically means that a test could determine the decline, but a man can still usually become a father.

"Men will always make sperm," Lipshultz added. "In that sense, there is not the same biological clock" as for women, who have no more eggs left by menopause.

Still, if you are serious about starting a healthy family, a man's biological clock is another factor that should be seriously considered when deciding when to start a family.

Shane Crawford writes for the dating, flirting and romance portal For more romantic advice visit

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