The continuous failure of the Civil Law System - Fat Prisoner Sues for weight loss

Just when you think you've seen the dumbest civil procedure, a new candidate raises his hand for the first place. The latest is a bold males awaiting trial for murder, the Benton County Jail in Arkansas for allegedly not feeding him enough to sue is.

At over 185 kg securely it fits into the obese. After eight months in prison, he has lost kg 45 and is up to 140kg, which is still a very big person. Most people would like to thank the authorities to help save their livesclaimed by a major candidate for a heart attack or diabetes - but he accuses her, he was hungry! The prison, it is providing 3,000 calories per day - that's more than most people know in the world to consume. Quite frankly, I am outraged that this person can make in a civil lawsuit on those grounds. Not only he, but the lawyer who brought the case should the court wasted costs against them, have given the courts time.

What is at stake here is a larger issue, furtherUndermining of the civil system in the event that draw the public contempt. It means that people are in a difficult position that requires serious civil remedies are less likely to do so, not only because they are less likely to believe in the court system, but because they go on a long waiting period to receive in court, because the log-jam waste valuable court time have recording.

I do not know what the outcome will in this case, I hope common sense prevails, but common sense seems to bealways missing the present system.

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