Open Water Swimming - Beginners

I learned to swim in a lake where my family lived in northern Wisconsin. My siblings and I trained summer training in open water, as was the nearest swimming pool a thirty minute drive and our backyard was more convenient. Through this immersion, it did not seem strange when I was in my first open water race in Seal Beach, California, won in my late twenties. Open water swimming has been a never ending adventure. Some of my fondest memories of swimming, leaving Iceland for the CatalinaCalifornia mainland by 1 clock in the morning on a calm moonlit night, watching the phosphorescence glow as my arm pulled through the water and fish under collapsed, swimming in tandem with my husband, Dave, against the beautiful blue Caribbean waters off the coast of Saint Lucia silhouette. Other memories are feelings of anxiety before the start of a 42-kilometer race in Newport, Vermont, Lake Memphremagog, the north towards Canada, and a "central" memory heads (because of mild hypothermia) in the finalCalais, France after crossing the Channel. It was also the thrill of conquest, bitter cold or big waves and chop, swimming and racing to finish, even though Mother Nature's indifference 'to my fate.

It is a freedom and challenge swimming in open water, which can not simply be experienced in the pool. Are you ready?

How do I start?

OK, swimming in open water is your goal, where do you start? I assume that you already know how to swim. If not, please takeInstruction to a YMCA or a master's swimming team and learn the crawl stroke / freestyle.

There are a few things you can do in the pool to prepare for swimming in open water, lift, bilateral breathing, his head and stroke rate training.

Above all, the breathing on both sides, or bilateral breathing is a must. (I can hear the groans!) Let's see if you are physically able. Stand up and turn the top half of the body to the right and then left. Then turn your headright and left. SCHEZAM! You can learn to breathe on both sides. Why is this necessary? Imagine yourself or run the following experiment. Find an open area about 400 meters long. Select a target and try to go straight in the direction, unless you close your eyes and turn his head and looked at the right side every 2 steps. Sneak a look forward to every 10 steps. Vision in the field of water is restricted even more than these, because you might not be able to see us, depending on wave conditions, fogin your goggles or glare from the sun reflecting of the water. This is also the adoption of strict concentration swim on a straight line - do not imagine that shadows are sharks and snakes, weeds, improve with practice.

Breathing on both sides has basically two objectives. It tends to "even out" your shape, so that you naturally swim straighter. Ha, ha, you already know how to swim straight ahead, right? But that is in the pool. Think of the available cues, lines on the trackSide and a black line on the ground to guide your progress. Open water is much different. Besides the lack of visual cues in the pool, the water gets colder, it might be some waves, and the "pool-length 'can be as long as a mile!

The second advantage of bilateral breathing is that you will turn right and left. While swimming in the sea, crossed out the usual and back along the beach. If you have to breathe is only one side, half of the raceNo visible evidence to the shore. Explore the coast is extremely useful for just swimming in the sea.

Other advantages are able to swim to the breath of incoming waves or fumes from boats in the company.

An additional capability in the pool after practice, lifting the head forward to see you while you swim. The easiest way is to head to the front before lifting just a hint of the page. I use to see the forward and then breathe to the side. Breathing headforward is not proposed because it requires too much energy to the head is high enough to cause an air lift and slow swimming. See Swim head in the pool freestyle and how difficult it is to swim as compared with the head down.

Try to familiarize yourself with that look forward in the pool, where it is relatively quiet. There will be more difficult in open water, especially in the ocean.

How often it is necessary to look ahead? That depends on your swim straight lineAbility, subject to conditions and the course. Ideally, the less lift his head, the better, but swimming off course is not advantageous. First, just trying to be happy every 10 beats (one per arm).

Temperatures in open water are usually colder and may require a faster strokes to complete, how much time it takes to pull the arm. In open water by counting the number of strokes is one for each arm, as she begins to drag determined by the water.

The rate isdetermined by counting each arm stroke for a minute (or counting for 30 seconds multiplied by 2, or counting to 15 seconds multiplied by 4). The best open water swimmers in the world have stroke rates from 70 to 90 strokes per minute, with women generally at the upper end of the scale. A faster stroke rate will help to that a swimmer warmer in cold water. Have a friend time your rate in the pool. If it is below 60, you can use the increase to work better gripcooler temperatures.

Please do not get frustrated if your stroke rate increase is difficult. People usually do not have a daily activity, where their arm muscles exercise "aerobic". To develop swimmers' aerobic weapons "through years of training. A runner's aerobic capacity can not be transferred automatically to the pool, where the weapons are the primary engine instead of the legs. Likewise, I can swim comfortably at 80 beats per minute after years of training, but be careful if I run out, mylabored breathing miles away can be heard.

I have another suggestion, with some coaches can not agree, change in stroke recovery. The "recovery" as a swimmer brings the arm out of the water and return to the front after a stroke. Many times coaches teach their swimmers sharp elbows during the recovery curve. This usually results in the hand near the water's surface. This kind of exploitation is not so good in waves. The majority of open water marathonSwimmers use a straight arm recovery as opposed to a bent elbow recovery. I think a straight arm recovery better waves and also helps to reduce the burden on the shoulder. The chest muscles work more to recover their arms, as it is straight, while the shoulder and rotator cuff muscles work more, to the arm when the elbow bent to recover. Experiment with your recovery and see what works best for you, curved, straight, or somewhere in between. All species are used by fast swimmers andWorld record holder, Janet Evans, a good example.


The adjusted basis, cap and goggles are the same with some minor modifications. Produced a thick cap (made of silicon, would be to prefer to latex), keep your head warmer. Sometimes, a bathing cap is not stay on very well and constantly slips. This can be extremely annoying during a race. Try to wear a new cap, which is not stretched out. Another tip to prevent hair conditioner for several days before the race.Conditioner makes the hair smooth and bears the cap film. If the water and air are hot, and the hair is too short, may not require a cap. Colored Glasses, which reflect the sun and reduce glare can also be helpful, but they are not a necessity.

A particular suit is not required, although chaffing is a consideration when choosing your clothing. Rub spots on the skin from the clothes and body parts can occur and are probably in salt water. The more salt, more rubbing. As I swam the12Mile race around Key West, the water was so salty that all the seams rub marks on my suit, which was very unusual created. Rub include the armpits, inner thighs, neck and chest line. Women have more difficulties because their complaints on the neck and bust line is near the armpit. Men can have problems where their beard or mustache, rubbing his neck and arms. Vasoline, lanolin, bag balm or other fats can be used to prevent rubbing. For beginners, for fat in the armpit, neck andInside of the thigh. When rubbed in other areas will occur, you will find out "where floats" after a couple of training. Some swimmers are gloves, a scarf or even a stick on the beach to use fat without him on the hands. Grease on the hands can easily get to the dark glasses and your vision. If you wear a suit, it zips up the back, the zipper at the top often rubs the skin. Sewing a small piece of felt or chamois cloth between the zipper and the skin is prevented,Scouring.

Do not forget sunscreen when you are away from home during the hours of sunshine. Experiment and find out what works best for your skin. Waterproof does not necessarily mean that the block will work for long hours with. If you are planning a long training swim, try the early morning hours before the rays of the sun reaches its zenith start.

First open water journey.

Now that you have practiced a variety of skills, you will be ready to swim after your first open water. Your location dictate theSites are available. Be smart for your first start. If it's raining and cold, with 20 miles per hour winds, set out to swim another day.

Research at the spot where you plan to swim. Safety should always be the first priority. Are there lifeguards duty? If so, let them know that your swimming plans, direction, time and / or distance. If not, do not swim alone. Ask someone, kayak, paddle, swim or walk along the bank of your page. Try to stay near shore water, where you can stand, ifthe surf dictates otherwise. Find out the water temperature so you have to expect a better idea of what to do. Are there any dangers like currents in the area? What water creatures could occur? Talk to the lifeguard or other local swimmers to obtain information about the site.

Have an escape plan from your swim if the weather or your body takes a turn for the worse. This is a swim during a shoreline beach easily, simply and go back to the start.


Take you for a moment before to look into the water and see what attractions are available to swim for a better assessment of your location during your. The sun is the easiest landmark to use if it is low in the sky. If you swim a straight course and the sun is directly on the left side when breathing, watching it will help you measure your position. If it suddenly appears before you are off course now and need to re-adjust.

The sea or lake is another great landmark, which can be seen oneach breath (with the assumption of bilateral breathing) is a part of your repertoire, and are easy to use while swimming a 'there and back "course along the coast.

In a lake, it can become a great tree towered above the horizon or appreciate a colorful house on the lake that will be used, it can in order to keep target, and finally paint a pale pink ground for a homeowner to choose from. Try to landmarks that are large or high above the horizon as contrary to the proximity to the water level. If a milestoneis low, it can be difficult to see if there are waves and waves. Look for tall buildings, water towers or church steeples. Yes When swimming in open water camp in Mooselookmeguntic Lake in Maine, which is the actual name of the lake surrounded by mountains in the area provided important land marks.

Swimmers have a saying: "The worst part of the training is getting into the pool." Getting into open water is not easier. Is better to slowly get adjusted and to maintain the temperature or fast? Try both andsee which one is better, it is acceptable is a constraint. When the air temperature is cold, a lot of body heat can be lost, while "always" if it takes several minutes. Better quickly and lose less body heat and cooled slowly than before to get you. If the water is cold, but the air is warm and the sun shines, it is last in order, getting longer, as not to lose your body heat.

Many open water swimming athletes instead of the distance for their education. DuringSee your wristwatch, the time might seem like it's DRAW! This is fairly common. Five minutes seems like twenty. Do not worry, your 'time sense is "to improve with more open water practice. Turning the adjustment to swim for long periods without takes time.

Take it easy and try to enjoy your first open water to be able to. Check-in after the first few minutes, and ask yourself: "Am I relaxed?" When focusing the answer is "no" to relax your muscles and see if that helps your comfortTo improve level. The mind is your company in the open water swims, and important to keep the "little voice" is (sometimes shouting) in your head echo a positive message. Try to keep the "negative" thoughts (that stinks!) To a minimum. Sometimes it is helpful to cry out negative thoughts: "The water is cold" or "These waves are horrible!" And get them out of your system.

Do not be alarmed if you is not your first experience of Nirvana. Remember to get back to a bike or rideDriving? These skills were not second nature for the first time either. The more experience in open water, the higher your comfort level.

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