Learn to Read Sheet Music

Lots of people think that reading music too difficult; the truth is, it is a language which is known by many. Unlike other languages, music is very basic, uncomplicated and uses only a few "letters", or in the case of music, symbols. Knowing how to read and write this language is very fulfilling, and is a knowledge that would be treasured for a lifetime.

Learning how to read music is a significant step if you eventually want to play an instrument, sing musical numbers or even compose a new melody. Now, to begin reading music, get some sheet music, preferably a piece of music which is not complicated or too long a piece. Also, make sure it has readable and clear markings; otherwise, music symbols may be confusing and may seem to look the same if you are just beginning to become familiar with them.

To apply your music reading, having an instrument to play would be helpful. Even though you do not need an instrument to read music, having an instrument will make it easier to understand how a note's sound correlates to what is written in the music sheet. A piano or a keyboard is an easy instrument to practice with, although the type of instrument does not really matter, because the same music theory applies to all musical instruments, even to your singing voice.

Now that you have the first piece of sheet music to read and an instrument to practice with, the next step is to acquire a list of music terms and definitions. Comprehending all the concepts is easier if you use them right after studying them, or when you have understood the explanation of each one.

It would also be an advantage to enroll in music theory courses, whether in school, through self study on the Internet or reading some good books.

What remains now is to focus on studying the concepts behind reading music. Do not be discouraged when you first see all the unknown symbols on a music sheet-- all these symbols have simple definitions and explanations. Understand and use them, and you will be reading music very soon.

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