You can not sell Antique equipment on the Internet, Can You?

When John Jowers went to work in kitchen technology, the company his father, he never thought it would be a restoration of the ancient ancillary lead refrigerators. But now its "cool" devices to do a hot business on the web.

Those of us who, to put it politely, is in our prime, can not remember a time when a refrigerator was not just a big, rectangular box in the kitchen.

It was a sleek, aerodynamic piece of industrial equipment. A Philco or Frigidaire looked like it was designed withthe same artistic flair as a '57 Chevy.

Maybe we still have the old GE refrigerator with top-generator Grandma's house. Those were the days!

In Clayton, Georgia, a town in the Appalachian foothills of one and a half hour outside of Atlanta, John Jowers, a good business while holding a piece of Americana alive.

John and his team extended his father's appliance business, which was originally founded in 1958 to the full restoration of vintage refrigerators and ovens are a growingNumber of people who long for the style and nostalgia of yesteryear.

Clayton is a resort, and the population base is shifting dramatically from winter to summer. And while he never had any thought of restoring vintage equipment, John knew that he find a way to build its sales and keep his team occupied during the off season to see.

"In the winter months can you have your staff on board and keep busy. A couple of the guys came to me and said," Hey, there's an oldRefrigerator in the back of the camp. Do you mind if we paint it red? "And I said, if it sits, busy, go ahead!"

"We have it in our shop as part of a Christmas display, and suddenly it was going to buy!

As soon as he started off, the phone is ringing off the hook - everyone wanted to know where to go, the little red fridge! So we started doing one-off pieces for the local people. We experimented with it for a few years, and someone has convinced me that it reallya market for what we did, so I decided to build a website. "

"I rely on the Internet. Without them I would not be the antiques business."

"If I try to market these items in a 100-mile radius, there are simply not enough potential customers that want these products or have to spend money to make it a viable business. 98% of the business, I come with the vintage equipment from the Internet. "

His restored stoves and refrigerators have all found homesthroughout the country and beyond.

"Very few of our customers are in the general area. We keep a card in the office and we peg every city that we go or ship, and if you look at the map that the majority of customers in the New England states. Even if something we have supplied almost all the states in the European Union at this point, the Midwest and Northeast have been our biggest demand areas. "

He believes that much of its success, both online and offline, it follows from the fact that heoffers a unique service. Antique Appliances is the only company in the U.S., specializes in the restoration of vintage refrigerators, and a return of only a small number, the vintage electric stoves.

Many companies are restoring gas stoves in the U.S. because it is a relatively simple gas stove repair, restore, and no wiring, no moving parts, no chemicals involved. Electric stoves are more complicated, however, a thorough knowledge of electrical systems isrequired.

Renovation refrigerator requires even more know-how: In addition to the electrical aspect, special certification is needed to handle the refrigerant and clean the systems.

Most restorers do not have the equipment necessary know-how or certification. But because Jowers TV & equipment was already in the business of selling new equipment, John had a pre-assembled team of skilled soldiers and technicians.

John has no plans for its new appliance salesonline. While Internet sales for niche items like vintage instruments are exploding, move the competition to the new list is stiff. He knows he would probably lose only money, trying to compete for online sales with a large spout as, or

However, he believes that his new appliance sales were made as more and more manufacturers have contributed to the search engines, adding that customers can find authorized dealers in their geographical area.

He has seen someSales on the spot, which feels it coming via the web appliance manufacturer Web sites, and that these smaller merchants to take advantage, without allowing investment in building a website.

John recognizes that if he left for college, the last thing he thought he would do it was to return to a small town and work in family businesses. But his experience while in college made him that he really enjoyed the full responsibility for customer satisfaction, which is a family of crucial importanceBusiness, but often of secondary importance to larger stores.

"As a teenager, when I went to the supply with the other guys, and there was a problem, believe me, the customer would take me with their concerns, because they knew I was my father's son!"

"In high school I went to work part time in a local home improvement center. During my first week there, I saw my boss, the store assistant manager, a woman mad over a can of red paint.

I walked into his office and I said,"You can tell me that fire, but you're the worst that could have done what we can do. If you had given her to paint another, she would have walked out of the store happy, and never said a word about it. But my words, you've made them mad, you're not a color you can, and now she is going to walk away from here, and they all say, in her bridge club and her church group, and you've probably lost 12 customers to paint on a can. "

"I went home and asked the nightme what I wanted to do with my life if I could be really happy somewhere climbing the career ladder, do not say, however, such as customer satisfaction, where you have always hand off to get it to another person. Suddenly, the family business seemed like the right choice. "

We have over fifty profiles of the established traditional family firm that uses their company will be published online. And we are interviews with more than fifty, we complete two new books in progress. IfYou have a story you want to tell us, please visit our website and click on "send a profile link for more information.

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