Attract birds to your garden by giving them what they need

Birds need five basic things from life. Cover to them by their enemies, to conceal protection to them from the elements to provide food for the protection of food to water to drink and bathe, and nesting places for families to raise. To attract bird-watchers, the birds in their gardens like, they should ensure that their garden has all of the above characteristics.

When a bird is a decision to live or visit in your garden sanctuary, it is basically asking thisAsk. And it will deliver its decision on instinct.

Where can I hide?

On average, urban, birds have a big predators - cats. Domesticated cats and homeless people to kill millions of birds in the U.S. each year. Other enemies are other birds such as owls, hawks and falcons. We can not forget, predators such as snakes, raccoons, squirrels and chipmunks.

This will one of the first things that is a bird, ask yourself "where can I find coverage" to protect and hide from predators? They can help to choose the bird to the decision of your yard by putting up cat proof fencing. In addition, you can plan your garden so that they are widely spaced to cover the open spaces of predators, where they refuse to mount a surprise attack.

Are there any available shelter?

Evergreens and other shrubs planted against the house and garden walls provide a natural protection for birds protected from rain. You can also use a combination bird house and> Birdhouses in the garden, which not only supplies food, but an open top and side walls that can protect against rain, strong winds and rough winds.

Is there a place where I can start a family?

During the breeding season, this is one of the most important functions, looking for birds. You are looking out for a place where they settle down for a while, raise with her partner and their young. Depending on the birds that you try to your garden, pullto the appropriate trees, shrubs, planting hedges and so on, where they usually nest when wild in free. If you are ambitious, you can buy or build their own birdhouse to meet all their housing needs.

Is there plenty of food and water nearby?

Natural food sources are the best. The birds will look for their natural food sources before other foods. To find the natural types of foods that your birds like the choice and fill your garden withthem. In winter, when natural food sources have dried up and the birds are having a hard time scrounging up food can, bird feeders their friend. Fill a house with bird seed, suet and other alternative food choices that you know they would enjoy. And remember: water. Birds love and need water and a bird bath will do wonders to buy in your garden to attract birds, in colder climates, will be an additional investment of a few dollars a heated birdbath to pay high dividendsIn the winter months.

A bird 's life is fragile, and their existence is the threat for almost her entire life in it. The more you can do to beat them, enjoy the better the chances for them and better for you, as your presence throughout the year.

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