Rainforest Birds - Blue Dacnis

Bird name:

Blue Dacnis

Latin name:

Dacnis cayana


Least Concern

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Passeriformes

Family: Thraupidae

Genus: Dacnis

Type: D. cayana

General Introduction:

The Blue Dacnis, also known as Turquoise Honey Creeper, is spread a little tanagerin parts of Central America and tropical South America. It is commonly found in couplings or even different types of herds.

Physical Description:

On average, a Blue Dacnis is 12.5 cm long and weighs 13 g. This species is dimorphic. The males are in the color turquoise with black around the eyes, forehead, neck, upper back, and at the edge of the wing. Women are a slight shade of green. The wings are green, but framed in a bluish color. Notpossess, the black spots and their heads are a light blue color. The Blue Dacnis has a relatively short bill, compared to most other honeycreepers.


The Blue Dacnis feeds on fruits, berries, seeds and insects. They are often feeds from 10 to 50 meters from the ground in the crown of the trees, but occasionally descend to fruiting shrubs. He is looking for insects on branches.


This little bird is common in forests and other forestsand extends from Honduras and Costa Rica to Ecuador and Argentina. Their nests are often built in the trees, hidden by the vegetation.


In temperate climates, the Blue Dacnis breeds from March to June. In South America is the breeding season in September and October. A normal clutch consists of 2 white, brown speckled eggs. The female broods the eggs while the male diet leads to it.

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