The advantages of a BMW Bluetooth Upgrade

Even if you drive a late model BMW ('02 or later), it can at the time, a test BMW Bluetooth upgrade. Finally, like any other Bluetooth digital technology - it is constantly updated and refined. This technology ensures that your vehicle is the ability to integrate with your phone up-to-date and ready for what may come next.

The advantage of Bluetooth

If you're like many people on the go, then your phone is turned on and ready, almost every waking minute --including drive time. However, studies have (and a few bitter experiences) have clearly shown that the attempt to use a cell phone while driving a very disturbing and dangerous, from which a hazard for drivers and others on the road (in fact, in 2005 a woman in Portland, Oregon went a bridge and speak in the Willamette River, while on a cell phone). Many countries and communities are now adopting laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving.

A BMW Bluetooth upgrademakes it possible - and legal - use your cell phone while driving.

About Bluetooth

For the Viking king, the United shortly before the Nordic countries over a thousand years, developed by the Swedish engineers who first identified it in the 1990s, Bluetooth technology actually has its roots in the work of the early Gugleimo Marconi and Nicola Tesla and her pioneering work on wireless communication during the late 1800s. It is an industry standard protocol used for wirelessCommunication between computers, mobile phones, digital cameras and more.

Unlike radio, Bluetooth is a very specific protocol for connecting a variety of digital devices over a very short range, in addition, such communications can be encrypted so as to protect privacy. Today's BMW Bluetooth upgrade enables much stronger encryption on connections are required, that at last a long time (up to 23 hours and 20 minutes).


With the new Bluetooth 2.1 and a headset,You can then enjoy the full "hands-off" operation of your phone because you can listen to your incoming calls over your OEM radio, using the buttons on the steering wheel.

This upgrade also means that you can not miss important calls more, because they automatically eliminate any programming skills, you will listen to on your radio. The BMW Bluetooth upgrade is also very easy to install and very affordable. With "plug and play" function, you are ready and in no time!


BMW Bluetooth upgrades are made available for the 3 series 5 Series and X5 vehicles between 2002 and 2006. It is a simple procedure for the safety and value of your fine vehicle add today.
