Ninja Training

What are the secrets of the super-ninja skills? Everyone is aware that ninja master skillful warriors, their ninja swords to perfection, and could also meet not an impossible mission. Their success was in the peculiarities of their education.

General aspects of Ninja Training

The Ninja training has to be exposed to adverse conditions and aggressive environment. It allows to receive ninjas, and used in any stressful situation and respondTo make it in a flexible and balanced manner. Develop training in the atmosphere of the real action can be ready for Ninja, an immediate and spontaneous reaction to the changes in the environment, free fuel capacity of your body, use creative thinking and make-up fast non-standard decisions under extreme terms.

The study process on the basis of active-dynamic methods of psychophysical training with particular emphasis on implied the creation of conditions for the real battle. The Ninjas weretaught how to fight with ninja swords and other weapons in an accelerated way, and intense rhythm and keeping the peace of mind of a reasonable perception and efficient coordination of movements. The Ninja had to work, their skills with the help of special "Training", as in the famous Shaolin Monastery - from death-corridors for automated mannequins.

Zen Buddhist teaching major influence on the Ninja approach to training, especially the ideaPreferably intuitive way of perception. The Ninja had set her mind free of superficial knowledge, formal logic, and descendants of conventional thinking.

The main principles

Zen Buddhism, "the principles of natural regulation that the person who can use a flair for selecting the optimal way of acting.

1. Blow gradation - The intensification of the training tasks, speed and strength should be gradually and consistently.Ninja had to avoid rushed and ill-timed move to more difficult forms of training and hard work.

2. Continuity - this principle was the key to successful ninja training. It implies a regular, systematic training, without any long breaks. When a ninja began training one day, he had them practice every day, without exception, and continue to keep certain training.

3. Modesty - Ninja believed that the success in training to win, they have modestinto everything, especially when compared to food and other sensual pleasures. Meat, alcohol and sexual relations are strictly forbidden, not to reduce the effectiveness of the training. If a man could not change his habits, he was recommended to change the course of his life - to a farmer, officials or anyone else - but not a spy-warrior. The exception was the case only if the fulfillment of the task had a ninja to break the rules, and the things that is forbidden during histarini9ng process.

4. Trained Self-Control and Self-Restraint - even under the most extreme conditions, a Ninja, to remain calm and collected too. He was no possibility of his emotions - fear, aggression, egocentrism, and so on. In critical situations to be ninja, were determined to faith in their strength and skills of the martial arts.

5. Had courtesy - a ninja student, in most organized, disciplined, hardworking and respectful way to behave. The code of ethics of Confucianism not byAccident was the major part of all martial arts - it is celebrated primarily filial respect.

Some concrete examples of Ninja Training

To view the complete psycho ninja training of students, they came not only through the complex of gymnastic exercises and breathing exercises, but also psychological exercises to develop, intuition, direct response, combined thinking, ninja, etc., it helped their opponents feel better in the target Fightsappreciate his maneuvers and react in an instant.

For example, instead of a teacher a piece of paper with your thumb and forefinger and then suddenly dropped it. The ninja student had to catch the paper with two fingers. The same was done with a stick or metal plate, and covered his eyes with the pupils.

Two students were delivered to each other and with closed eyes, a drop in the bends and holds her arm or leg off a few millimeters from the target point. Those who received the blowhad to guess at his direction and react accordingly blocked and cut off the blows. The same exercise was carried out while you ninja swords. Gradually, the task became more complicated - the teacher increased the number of attacking opponents for up to eight of them (corresponding to the number of directions), as well as the speed and force of the blows. The increasing complication was also characteristic of education in the "dark room." The training took place in theNight, at dusk or in complete darkness.

Extremely complicated exercises and critical conditions, a ninja teaches students to realize their individual skills and to use the acquired skills, the most creative and extemporaneous way. As a result developed the ninja fighting their own personal way, and "animal style", which corresponded to their natural abilities and temperament. A ninja warrior had to learn how to not only effective fighting techniques, but also various types ofstill cold, especially in the fight with a ninja sword and throwing poisoned arrows or stars. In addition, a skilled ninja could be a dangerous weapon, any object that could get my hands.

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