Birds - the egg laying Can Kill Your Pet

Birds lay eggs, that's what they do. But did you know that this could be fatal for your pet?

My beloved bird is a Cockatiel. She is a beautiful bird and a great companion. Twice a year she gets in a mood to respond to their God given natural activity of egg-laying. The first time she ever did it was really cute.

The problem was not fertilized egg, it would not slip. So after a while, the egg does not hatch, they determined the trick was toLaying an egg, just to get the same results. This led to more eggs until it six or seven eggs, which they watched over.

When I first took them, I worry a little research on the Internet about cockatiels and birds. So, if the egg to the event was going on, I remembered reading about something, about it depleting calcium absorption. I went back and read more about it. Sure enough, they lay eggs depleted of calcium and fatal for them.

I decided I had to take away herEggs. I did not want to lose it on them. So they flew away. I saw quite sure that they do, they would know that it dangerous to lay eggs in their cage. You shall not disclose if they are not comfortable with the nest site.

She did not stop. She began again, and I took it away again. After a few rounds of this, I decided to pull the bedding from the cage, thinking it would be less "homey" for them, and she would be out of the egg beating. It has quit for the season, butone season later, she received the call and put again we continued the battle.

As the days and weeks went by, she stressed that she would lay eggs, and I insisted that she was not. But she had to win, despite my to remove. Then it happened ...

One day I went by her cage and there she was, at bottom of its cage, quietly and silently, and her limbs and head into an almost grotesque position were turned and I could not tell if she is still alive. I was devastated, including theDo not respond point in the situation.

The evidence seemed clear that I would lose it. This was not a goldfish, but a friend. We talked and played every day. We ate and went to bed at the same time. She sat on my shoulder and fired at me when I was working on my computer. It would not be a substitute bird, no more than replace your child.

I could not believe the right, so I had to call a friend. As we walked on the motorway in the direction of the vet, I was talking about, myBird of hope, they keep alive and to get maybe the little 'beep' to say to me, she would be in order.

We rushed her to the emergency room and the vet she fell behind the glass doors. The last time I had seen my bird?

They came out and asked me back a step into another room where I waited to hear the news. I waited for the "bird-nurse" to come and break me, when the door opened and I saw only her back. She walked backwards through theDoor and when they green light to the door she turned to the white cage put in. I had to show my pet bird

Inside this cage was a living, confused and curious, Cockatiel, who saw me and uttered a loud chirp, as if to ask: "What's up?" My bird wanted to make, and just doing fine!

She was in a fit due to lack of calcium away over the eggs. They gave her a shot of calcium to revive them. In addition, gave her a shot, which was adopted, to stop them fromTo lay eggs. They said it might need to be done every month.

Sure enough, several weeks passed and she was back in the egg laying business. I did not know what to do. I could not stop, she took to the vet every month for expensive shots, but I could not go through that again.

I was sitting in her cage one day thinking about how I could put it less desirable for their eggs. Finally the light bulb went out.

I jumped up, went to the pet store and bought her aCage big enough for a parrot (remember, it is) only a Cockatiel. The reason I wanted this was because of the large grid on the floor of the cage. You can go around the bottom of the cage, but she can no nest egg, because it falls through the grate.

Oh, they tried. They even try. She put on the egg and saw it for days as it lay under the fence, and she could not get it. That was the last egg was laid ever. She does not need the shot did not. She is ingood health and we enjoy each other more than ever before.

Is not rust (uh-large)?

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