Freestyle Rap Battle Tips

Freestyle Rap Battle advice is hard to get. Than a decade veteran of battle rappers, who wins about 80% of my fights, I decided a few useful tips that have helped me survive the battle rap circuit share.

Concentrate on details. The more accurate is a rule, the punch lines are, the harder they hit. Try and chooes things about your opponents that are not immediately apparent. For example, I once fought a man with one Oakland A's baseball cap. Rather than trash talkstarted on the A's-who would not be a good idea in Oakland, I to the list of bad words about him, not to mention with the letter A as "arrogant, stupid and cruel" to a few others that 'don, t belong in print. Which brings me to my next point ...

Win the crowd. Most Freestyle Rap Battle Tournament will be on the audience vote ". Even those that are decided by judges, are still heavily influenced by the crowd. The lesson? They are not there toproposed a rapper, you're here to win the audience. To do this, not to say stupid things addressed to the audience. If I were in bags on the amount of the A's have made on me, so I thought it was specific, without the lot in my freestyle.

Be prepared. Anyone who knows the importance of scoping for a time fought competition. When I was in a room full of MC's, believe me I, I see every fight and try to punch through to the individual MC. ObviouslyI spend more time focusing on the best, because there is a greater chance, I will at some point the fight! After just a few minutes before he can help on the stage you get a liner with a couple who might win the rap battle for you.

Show no mercy ... Most of the time. There is a very thin line in a freestyle rap battle between amusing and offensive. In general, you can so reckless as you want, provided it is entertaining. We all know someone who can sayeverything and get away with it, will try this guy, if you are on stage. There are a couple of times, when the dismissal of a topic, you are great points. For example, MTV hosts a rap battle where one of the MC's was blind. The man who fought him, Swan, mocking the guys small stature, his clothes and goofy weak style. He did not say fun of blind children (except "I'm a) you out and rob you blind." If he, if he had lost the crowd in a nanosecond. But he did not winthe battle on merit. A dope freestyler can rap about anything, he proved he could clear it away from most points.

This freestyle rap battle advise you should be able to score high is the next time your on stage.

michael jackson