Why is the news anchor as irrelevant?

Most people know at this time consciously or unconsciously, the main reasons why CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Fox News regulars are like a group of preppy girls in high school. Let us briefly list four common reasons before the explanation of the fund.

1) The nature of their work as a credible and charismatic facilitators of information rather than experts. It 's the key to remember that the separation between 24 hours and' serious' about cable network clock 06:00Programs on basic cable disappears. It used to be that the evening news audience demographic was numerically dominated by women in the age group of elderly depression. This explains the need for older people, like Dan Rather, the ideal material for the public and the authority of the marriage of a widowed village doctor was. Until this day, a doctor from the polls as the wages of workers most respected, whose opinion is true in most (of course makes doctorsmain characters in the TV drama series and movies). However, this demographic of baby boomers die, and women (female life expectancy is more tip marginal corporate profit) that seeks to professional performance and respect for the ability to replace Katie Couric's good for his age.

2) support of Reagan's biggest media company, with education initiatives to reduce department of finance (either cheerleading or tacit support from silence). 40-year-oldswatching the news on TV today were directly affected by the school for the reduction of quality. Television and newspapers must therefore have fewer big words and their authors are increasingly talking to children, puns, and even ready-Talking Points (Gretchen Carlson's stupid to keep their jobs is an extreme example). shorter attention span is not the cause, but the social symptom. This fed directly in 3)

3) MSM reaction to an AustralianTabloid oligarch invasion of the United States headlong rush towards the transformation of news into entertainment. Of course Corporation conglomerate would have happened even without the influence of the acceleration of Rupert Murdoch's News. The demographic aging of the current television is permanent, because they usually stay, do not use the Internet two-way transmission media masters. There is the public were increasingly represented by the rural elderly by the failedthe formation of disks in the '50s and '60s, the intensification of the hysterical circus style entertainment, radio is the inevitable short-term view. Murdoch's influence, but it must be mentioned again. Newstartainment (mark =]) saw a deep split between oligarchs internationalists publicly visible media (that promote globalization, the United States because it is not essential to their base of operations) and the national media oligarchs to use their influence to help media assets toU.S. heavy industry. NBC Universal) can be said to be an example of an oligarch mouthpiece for the nationalist government institutions, is owned by General Electric military (which depends on the sale of tangible goods such as machinery parts in the United States e. News

Corporation is, of course, not as dependent on the welfare of the United States military-industrial complex, so their activities, such as Fox News are irresponsible with their newstartainment extra. From a financial standpoint, it isto better support the strategy for the GE line nationalist Democratic Party wing of the oligarchy (the more educated / healthy farmers allow U.S. forces to better compete abroad). This is why MSNBC is leaning against the Democratic millionaires and their companies. The fact that Fox News has emulated the state points to its success as a move by former U.S. corporations less tied to a global economy. For more information about the 10 owners of the media cluster, this isa handy map (Note: This is from 2002 and the industry has consolidated and used more monolithic since then to get the thrust of this idea.).

4) The loss of advertising revenue on the Internet for news (and television programs in general are living) is not his promise of human consciousness, as the FCC has made to increase through the first director. The Internet serves as a sort of American Glasnost, while television is used as a way to sell to state propaganda and the TV seriesDrama waste at home and abroad. It 's easy to spot. (Continued to die long as the elderly) the confidence of youth is back now almost impossible, and the path of least resistance is to step up to the circus. Some young people watch the news and MTV just to laugh revenues), how terrible it is (it is still a mild boost ad. News "anchor" in not even get touched, with lots of relevant information such as the networks have cut their active recruitment ofjournalistic investigations talent. Because it is cheaper to analyze the heads by hand according to the information about hiring a sufficient number of unterstimuliert human explorers (and pay for airline tickets, hotel accommodation, security, etc.), yet news comes less and less actual contact with experienced experts. Wolf Blitzer how ridiculous cowards, for example, do not get hits on their self-esteem to remain so by the interaction of living at home than with the old Talking HeadsSchool reporter Michael Ware as demons data. To be fair, such as Fox News anchor, there's a lot of self-censorship and thrown down to stay at work.

*** *** On Drum

It underscores the statement is ....

national news anchor, and experts are members of the richest 5% and 1% of the population.

Although they started badly (which is increasingly unlikely as the key person in the flood conglomerate hierarchy this simple job opportunitiestheir children) is the growth along the gorge beyond repair at the top of it changes. The Playboys laugh on TV are completely isolated by the vast majority of problems faced by the Americans (except, of course, problems of taxation on income and capital and regulations on gambling sheet.) Whether it is for Fox, CNN, MSNBC, many of them are good friends and are always working to find the ship to another network directly to eliminate their salaries. People like Anderson Cooper, Lou Dobbs, SeanHannity would never be caught dead riding a piece of third-world tour called the New York metropolitan area.

For them, life in America is bigger and better all the time. Every day is just an ego trip or practical strengthening of the luxury suburbs or in a place to put the people they see their friends, and when they speak, some senior politicians / celebrities (of course, driven as blocks). You sit down and list the problems of chatPlaces like Detroit (which is more intense for all purposes, such as foreign cities and distant, as in Africa). They are stupid and full of laughter, not only because they are entertainers, but because the older people still get their "news" show, but they are aged preppy-middle students with the equivalent of a mode .

This dramatic disconnect with the continuation of a long time, could have created neurotic social perception, the ripple effects of whichfor the next few years we feel.

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