Culture in the 19th Century UK

In the period following the collapse of empires, Spanish, Portuguese, Roman, Chinese and Mughal, was in the 19th century characterized by the growing influence of Britain and the United States on the world stage. Not least was his influence on entertainment.

Perhaps the greatest and most lasting influence is the massive influence of English writers on the literary world. The 19th century was a hotbed for the classic. Charles Dickens lived and worked all hisperiod mid-19th Century fiction classics as Oliver Twist (1937-1939), A Tale of Two Cities (1851) and Great Expectations (1861).

Not only was Dickens, who was active throughout the century, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote about Sherlock Holmes for the first time, brought us Jayne Eyre Bronte, Agnes Grey and Wuthering Heights and Rudyard Kipling Mowgli boy there. There was also grim expressions in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (1818), the Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey(1891) and The Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886).

In music, it was the European composers, which may be the way as a result of the power of Beethoven and forth from the last century. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) and Claude Debussy (1862-1918) were prolific composers of the second half of the century. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake produced (1876), The Nutcracker (1892) and the 1812 Overture (1880). Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) developed hisoperatic masterpieces, La Traviata (1853) and "Rigoletto" (1851). Frediric Francois Chopin (1810-1849) and Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) were also big supporters of the definition of the powers of classical music in the 19th Century.

famous pieces, met the news of talk time are Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) and George Bernard Shaw Candy (1894). The Seagull by Anton Checkov was also the 19th century writing. Originally brought toTheater without him because of poor reception, provoked in 1896, however, revived in 1898, was praised by critics. It is no surprise that many of the great works of theater in the late 19 th century were, as this was the formative years of the Belle Epoque.

The era was also the initial development of moving images as entertainment. Even if you do not win importance for the early 20th century, it is fair to say that19th Century, largely untouched by film as a medium of entertainment.

But what was great throughout the 19th Century was the show. figures established as Buffalo Bill shows that successfully traveled to the United States and Europe.

The 19th century gave the world a wealth of artists, although some of them have been recognized only in the 20th Century. Vincent Van Gogh, for example, died in relative obscurity, only to be considered a historic greatest painters posthumously. A similar story can be seen in the works of William Blake. However, there have been many artists, the importance of the 19th Century, pink Czanne including Paul, John Constable, Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Edvard Munch, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Auguste Rodin, Joseph Turner and Whistler.

The 19th century was forged under the rule of the British Empire and the industrial revolution, leading to a wealth of artistic creativity in the arts and> Entertainment world. the abolition of slavery and the rise of socialism as an intellectual paradigm, the masses began to be more highly regarded, however, the reality is that entertainment in the form of popular music, theater, art and literature have been mainly the areas of rich , while the 19th Century. Although the technological and economic progress in the late 19th century began, with retroactive effect, such as the Belle Epoque, paved the way for the arts andEntertainment centuries have more than a mass audience in the 20 Century.

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