RSS news widget for Android

RSS News widget is a RSS feed reader for users of Android to get the latest news and issues blog. As everyone knows, is very important messages of everyday life, in addition, there are lots of ways to get news, newspapers, TV, computer, etc. In this regard, already mentioned, all have some disadvantages, for example, you can not select the types of messages, such as in newspapers and newscasts are all fixed in advance, and it is impossible that You bring your computer at any time.

Today I want to place and to discuss a convenient time to read in order to leave messages at all, that is to say, RSS feeds, the most extensive, such as Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works such as blogs, news, audio and video. News widgets RSS feed RSS client that allows a general power in several categories, including art,> News, regional and sports. You have the option to edit or delete them. What's more, it gives you the ability to screen, add your own categories such as entertainment, technology news, or food, etc. Also, you can create at home, a link to an RSS feed to your own, result, as we You can read your favorite types of messages quickly and easily.

I hope you like RSS widgets, but not perfect in its class, it's worth a try. And I'mpending further functionality can be added.

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