Media debate between the sexes: there are enough girls?

According to a recent report, women are well represented in the media. The report, "Who makes the news? The Global Media Monitoring Project 2010" was published yesterday (September 29), in Arabic, English, French and Spanish as well as a number of national and regional reports.

The report notes that women are still underrepresented in the media and false information, according to the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP). The MediaMonitoring Africa (MMA), the data analyst for the project, evaluate the media coverage of 108 countries.

1,365 newspapers, television stations, radio stations and Internet news sites were considered, while 17 795 news 38 253 people were to monitor the messages. Some of the results:

• 76% of people read or hear news of the world are male
• 24% are women (compared to 17% in 2005)
• 44% of peopleMobilize the public the news are women (compared to 34% in 2005)
News media, shows a significant gender bias with 46% of news stories reinforcement of gender stereotypes
• 13% of the news central focus on women
• expert commentary is especially for men. (Only 1 of 5 expert commentators as females)
• The age of women is the message that men twice as often
• Marital status of women in the newsmen whose nearly four times more
• Today, women journalists are responsible for 37% of stories compared to 28% of fifteen years and their stories challenge gender stereotypes twice as often stories of male journalists

The results were similar to the Internet, and found in some cases even faster than in traditional media. This 2010 report includes an action plan for the media and others, the news is kind of ethical obligationMedia.

The GMMP is the oldest and largest research initiative focused on defense and a balanced gender representation and fair in the media. The WACC, a global network of communicators, communication for social change, promote cooperation and coordinate the work GMMP in collaboration with the data analyst, Media Monitoring Africa. They are supported by the United Nations Development Fund for Women.

South Africa has paid its own initiative to ensureWorld in which they are enhanced potential and dignity of women and celebrated in and through the media. If you ensure that focuses on a goal, a balanced representation of men and women in the media. The Southern African Media and Gender Institute (Shamgar) also wishes to emphasize that the crucial opportunity for all without distinction as to age, class, culture, nationality, sex, race and sexual orientation, especially in a democratic South Africa.

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