2010, astrology and Arctic Documentary Films

E 'fascinating to watch movies of life in the Arctic. The vastness of snow and ice glinty against the blue sky is breathtaking. But life for the creatures that inhabit the desert reaches very difficult.

For most of the year the ground is frozen solid, so no plants grow. E 'unbearably cold, prone to strong winds and storms, so the animals have their own isolation and to bring a lot about him. Some animals hibernate, like bears can not eatMonths.

And yet they must somehow be supported.

Astrologically, 2010 is similar to an arctic landscape. The year started in a freezer with astrological Mars and Mercury dropped two weeks later, followed by Saturn.

When a planet, the movement is in decline, he feels his forward movement. From the Earth to view it seemed that the planet is going backwards.

The retrograde Pile-Up is not much to explain why there has been little forward movementProjects and initiatives in early 2010. Many people report feeling bogged down or under the endless delays. This is normal when many planets are retrograde.

But in 2010 goes on, it begins to melt. hand movement Mercury in February and March, direct, Mars finally ends its retrograde period of four months.

At this point would be the Arctic documentary images show the sun again appears above the horizon when the first signs of spring areFelt and animals begin to stir long hibernation.

We are beginning to move. In reality, an astrological point of view of 2010 does not really start until mid-March, when Mars begins journey to drive. This is when you start to see the agenda moving forward in your 2010th

The second half of March is "make hay while the sun shines." But the window for opportunity is short lived as a fast-moving Mercury, which goes back to 3-4 times a year, it does so again in April.

Butat the end of May, a febrile period begins just as the Arctic summer. basks in the Arctic summer foliage in the days of 24 hours of sun and the animals rush to enjoy the brief respite, when food is plentiful and mild conditions.

Hurry to use, instead of every ounce of summer.

Our summer 2010, summer in the Arctic, the pace of activity and change in appearance is puzzling. Uranus, Jupiter, impatient step in the rams and the emphasis will be followed by deeds.

Energylong, instead of breaking out again. But some issues to groups and individuals whose needs were not responded adequately expressed.

It 'a very similar at the end of 1960, when the voltage change and the air filled. And as 1960 some of this energy is very volatile and unpredictable.

One result of this will raise a lot of innovation and creativity. Are you ready for 2010, June and July is the presence of fast-moving opportunities.

The rapid pace of changeand the outbreak is a high voltage level at which the reins of power. This will come to a head in August when a rule of Constellation and powerful bird in the sky.

have moved up to September, Uranus and Jupiter still fish and reduce tensions. Once again, we are entering a period of many planets in retrograde motion, but is now seen as a relief.

Like animals hunkering for the Arctic winter, from SeptemberEnd of the year you get a chance to digest and integrate the events of the summer.

In this way you prepare for these themes are repeated in 2011 and beyond.

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