Beautiful songs

We must praise songs in your country
It 'absolutely right and nothing wrong
Your country must be placed among the top
His honor and prestige can take a long time

It generates a lot of feelings in the hearts and minds
Creates enthusiasm and it is easy to find
Limit people to come together and enjoy
In a natural crisis, is also fighting for a fight to the end

National feelings run high in the blood and increase the patriotism
The result is theFeelings of nationalism
Nation to come together and take the assault
The battles are won when they fought vigorously

National spirit to sacrifice his life comes from dedication
Nation is the only way to die, and sets in motion
What a way to die for their country and be a hero?
Land for nothing and is reduced to almost zero

Songs have enough power to appeal to the masses
He does not need special classes or coaching
And 'the emancipation ofdesired emotions
This can cause the movement of people

We have experienced, such as lead can defeat into victory?
It 'still alive and fresh in our memory
Everyone can be proud and not regret it cut
Nation can survive and remain in peace without worries

Basically, humans are social animals
Can be answered in recent times and await the arrival catstrophies
And 'human weakness and can not be solved
It must also indicate how important and studied

If the development isor training of defeatism?
Nothing can penetrate new way of thinking or optimism
And 'the arrival of the new spirit in the minds of critical hours
People wake up call and to die for the honor

Who cares and wants all his life forever linked?
It has never dreamed of and always wanted
The realization of freedom is the top priority
Has left deep traces in its continuity

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