The best relaxation music

How to choose relaxation music works best? Of course you can also start experimenting with different species. After all, it seems likely that what one person finds relaxing another will find irritating. But it's all just a matter of personal taste?

Not really. Although those who received personal taste into the equation, there are reasons why some types of music are more relaxed than others. For example, science and the experience of manyPeople point the usefulness of baroque music for relaxation. Studies have shown that Baroque music led by 60 beats per minute, the brain produce more alpha brain waves. Why is this? More on that in a moment. For now, here are some examples of good music relaxing.

"Concerto for Harpsichord in F minor" by JS Bach

"Concerto No. 10 in F major by twelve Concerti Grossi" by A. Corelli

"Winter" from "The Four Seasons" by A. Vivaldi

"Canon in D" by Pachelbel

"Adagio in G minor for Strings" by Albinoni

Often there is only one step from this that the relaxing effect. In the first three examples above movements such as "Largo" work best.

What other types of music to help people to relax? Light Jazz (try Luther Vandross) works for some. Oriental music, like the one that uses the sitar in India, is another favorite (try Ravi Shankar). Generic easy listeningMusic> mixed with sounds of nature in a joint election as well.

Each of these music examples is relatively inexpensive. Even the best "sounds of nature" and "easy listening" relaxation CDs are usually no more than $ 25. However, if you are willing to spend a little 'closer, there is a more scientific approach to making music with relaxation.

Change your brain waves

Some types of music work better than others because of whatdo for our brain waves. Our brain produces brain waves mainly to the 14-30 hertz (cycles per second) during normal waking consciousness. In this frequency range are called "beta" waves. 8-14 Hz frequencies are "alpha" waves that are present when we are more relaxed. About 4 to 8 cycles, the range "theta" is accompanied by a deeper meditative state or drowsiness. Possibly be produced during deep sleep delta waves (below 5 Hz).

Meditation promotes the mostRelaxed states of consciousness, especially when practiced regularly. The good news, if you do not meditate on the time nor the inclination, is that the music has been integrated with some jokes that work in the same way. This is the basis for the latest drive technologies of brain waves, based on decades of research. Just listen to these CDs or MP3s with headphones, and they change the brain waves, leading to a rapid relaxation response.

In other words, if you are willing tosomething more to spend, you get the true relaxation technique. These products generally have pleasant music for a background (even if some rain or use sound wave). This makes them the best type of relaxing music in my experience.

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