The best songs of the quarter in July

Ah, July 4th. The time of year when we celebrate American independence by dancing with sparklers, throw barbecues, and going up to people from England, and shouted, "Boo-yah!" This is the year we also have our patriotic music, dust our old CD or the iPod to songs inspired by the good ol 'U.S. of A. Some of us that desire, listening to the national anthem could meet to listen to Whitney Houston is likely to prefer the performance of Rose AnneBarr is, but for those who are "The Star Spangled Banner" is not enough simply to believe, is the following list of our best July 4th, the songs, your light firecracker.

"America the Beautiful" Ray Charles: Written by Katharine Lee Bates, a professor of English at WellesleyCollege, "America the Beautiful" was originally a poem in 1893 a trip to Colorado, from the East Coast wrote. The music of Samuel A. Ward, composed in 1882,Finally the words of Bates and "America the Beautiful" in the form - as we know it - was born. Although this song was covered by a series of performances by artists from Ray Charles' generally believed that the movement, the most memorable and what makes the song justice.

"God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood: A song that America is the mantra after Sept. 11 was "God Bless the USA" was written by country singer Lee Greenwood and publishedin 1984. After his release, he has climbed the country charts, surpassing the number seven. The same song is often used as a way to offer support and patriotism and gratitude for those who fought for our country played increases.

"Blowin 'In The Wind" by Bob Dylan: Even if it is full of open nationalism, "Blowin' In The Wind" subtly reflects the freedom of America is. Edited by Bob Dylan in 1963, "Blowin 'in the Wind" is used as a song of protest, protest Lifelost and questioning the war. The genius of the song is that you do not find a specific event, but serves as an anthem for eternity, one that - with an ever-present desire for peace - has the potential to overcome for generations.

"Independence Day" Martina's "Independence Day" McBride was founded in 1994 as an individual, the number 12 on the charts and went up the country released. The song not only serves as a melody on July 4, but alsoserves as a metaphor for the escape of a violent relationship. "Independence Day" was number 50 on the list of the 2003 CMT 100 Greatest Songs of Country Music ranked.

"Our Country" by John Mellencamp: A song that originally wanted to go out to all of us buying a Chevrolet, "Our Country" at the end of an anthem for America. The images in advertising Chevrolet, the images of Martin Luther King and the Twin Towers, has worked to perpetuate this patriotism. "OurCountry "is recorded for the album Mellancamp 2007 Freedom Road, an album at number five on the Billboard 200 chart debut. The Road to Freedom was the highest debut album of all time by Mr. Jack and Diane.

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