Top Ten Trends of independent films in 2009

My 2 main pre-occupations are the Raindance Film Festival and the British Film Award Indepednent.

Every moment of the day I and the fabled Rain Dance team, do not look if not the movies, reading scripts and talking to directors, agents, financiers and distributors

Here are the most important things we think matter in the world of independent cinema, in no particular order:

1. Alternative content to cinema
Digital screens installed in many cinemas in the UK is a tendencysweeping the world. Digital cinema screens allow you to show alternative content. In the UK we are already watching sports games and movie theaters are in the works. Viewers in some countries were able to watch Michael Jackson Tribute in cinemas a.

What does this mean for independent short films, features and documentaries? Write your local cinema manager and find it! Maybe your local cinema will end up more like the typical English pub, with drinks, networking andFilms.

2. Self Distribution
It used to be that self-distribution has always been synonymous with a van, a bunch of posters and fly on our way. A few days before he was moved to a city, a person flyer advance would be the place, and when you arrived, you would do some local radio, cinema screen the film on local representatives to collect at the box office (unless the host of the share) to sell T-shirts, posters, CDs and anything else you thought that you sell, you collect all the nickels and dimes, take theThe transport of fuel and hit the road again.

E 'offered to all through a web of changing crowdsourcing and the benefits of Internet marketing.

3. Social Networking
If you do not get a Twitter account and Facebook. Eliminate the reluctance to join the 21st Century. Social media is the way to go in terms of news, entertainment, advertising and shameless self-promotion.

4. Lo Fidelity Film Making
to find the films should not be identicalResolution of movies in cinemas. You can download movies for mobile phones with the ability to shoot video, or (in photo) with the camera awesome FLIP

Paramount Studios think that low budget is the name of the game and has a low-budget department.

5, reinforcing the role of festivals
film distributors are increasingly using to promote Festival screenings of new versions of the film. Under the guise of cultural activity and the alleged praise of the big names playing at the festival, traders canThe use of their marketing budgets to the full.

For filmmakers seeking distribution, create a buzz about the festival is a must. To win is the best method of distribution.

Here are four reasons to visit the film festival directors

6. Micro Niche Marketing
Finding an audience for his film is most likely a small and loyal fan base. In the area of ​​online marketing through social media like Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, creating a means byPeople really interested in your film and your career.

The filmmakers have most important tool on the market to a niche audience is the understanding and use of keywords and search engine optimization (SEO)

The bad news is that this exercise is a waste of time really. The good news is that if you are, or good, is sent to him, you can charge good money for your expert advice - or sell your film.

7. The role of rebuilding andAdjustments
Hollywood run out of good ideas first Zonks. Now they are relying on remakes and adaptations of comic books and successful novels. The example in 2009 Twilight is a shining example.

8. The future of DRM
The film industry is in trouble, everybody knows that. People all over the world are downloading movies just (or even before) they are published. I now go to the movies or DVD? Hollywood says no, and losing income because their critical digitalRights are affected. If they change their policy on digital rights management, then? Apparently not.

In response, they seem to be after the first traces of the music industry, pirates cracking hard and did not change its system. Bittorrent site PirateBay closed sunk earlier this year, and its founders put in prison. Yet it was only iTunes is that the music industry really started to turn back the tide of pirated copies. Users what they wantedat a price that seemed reasonable enough to stop many "pirates" - normal, everyday people. The movie industry must learn to do the same.

The pirates are always one step ahead technologically seen, and not just screaming to be angry with people. modern audiences want to see the movie if you do not hear, see his amazing release in America and then nothing for three months. They want to see where they want to implement in their television or computer, not trudgerain bad for a film full of screaming children or young people are talking about. Until their demands are not met, care about the origin of the film. At the time, piracy, are all to fill this gap - but people with simultaneous DVD and theatrical release on a download with the best deals and you will be happy to receive the public law. This is the future of digital rights management

9. Simultaneous multi-format release
combined with DVD movies and the Internet publishedbegins the same day, more and more the norm. The Age of Stupid was an example of such a publication in Britain in 2009. Raindance Film Festival Day / Date screenigns the festival and on platforms such as IPTV since 2005.

10. Stock values
Directors to make a film series on careers (and hopefully you are!) The increased value of their catalog back in time to see how open the different distribution. Remember that the newPlatforms for mobile and IPTV require different technical requirements than the traditional TV and cinema, so plan for segments or chapters of your story, so they are easily adapted to new distribution platforms
