Leo Astrology Forecast for 2010, energy

Will is one of the two dominant powers that are upon us, during the reign of Leo July 23-August 23 cast. If we are to understand and embrace the energy Leo, one month can be huge growth itself. Happiness is our reward.

Energie activate certain attributes

All energies activate different aspects of our consciousness. If the energy is actively doing the quality you strength, courage, willpower, motivation, strength, self-control, intention, resolution,Determination, clarity and understanding to name a few. In fact, every quality, makes us stronger, stronger and smarter guides us in action all fall under the umbrella of the will. Of course it is for our mind and our body that most stimulated by the energy of will.

The virtues are qualities

When we speak in spiritual terms, we speak of virtues rather than skills. They are the same, regardless of designation. A virtue was the accepted term in the Age of PiscesWe are leaving now. Quality is more neutral, without the connotation associated with a dogma. For this reason, we are about to take leave on the transition, the word quality, management, with the virtues still there, but soon fall.

Progression of a system of quality management

How the names of all the qualities or virtues have a progression of high-profile before it is good value. If you get up or energy, it all depends on where you stand on the progressionwhether there is a positive or negative impact on your consciousness.

Inertia / victims / Phase Deputy

Let's just take the quality, strength, as an example. If you are in inertia, or vice phase sacrifice, you can use will power to be an experience too strong, so even weaker.

Extreme Activities / Villain / Deputy Stage

If you're in the hyperactivity of the stage, if you had the willpower, we could swing in the opposite extreme. It could be catapulted from allthe times that you were oppressed, the victim was weak phase for the bad guy mentality. They try to shake this offensive energies on someone weaker than him, which of course is a phase defect.

Back and forth

But you do not hurt others would find to heal themselves, it just makes you feel bad about yourself and you will probably swing back on stage once again victims. But time was probably shorter than a victim, and after back and forth a few times orLife, you begin to move more toward the center.

Balance / Hero / Stage Virtue

They begin to be your strength as a hero of expression, to help others who have had the same experience. They transform the step of loading the victim / villain in a virtue or good quality. Want to express your power in a positive way that added value and did not feel good about themselves, that is his reward.

Inner strength

As we move towards the era ofLove in the lead, we must first transform our inner strength in external force. There are huge advantages for us as we begin to make love to take the lead, we come face to our internal self-sacrifice in the face. Instead of saving others in our external environment, we start our own store victimization.

Move from duality

If we do this, heal our wounds, we have a short period or in the level of Rogue, where to throw our pain to others, in an attempt to obtainwill be. Like our heroes, we learn to transform our pain, without hurting others. And we move from this relentless duality that embodies the patriarchal civilization.

Others beyond repair for auto-

Not everything we are trying to save others, which never really worked, except to save to save from drowning or from a crisis. Once done, we need to leave the road and let the other person to come into their own solutions.

Help others, theirInner strength

But if we have the courage, which is the best in all grades, the foundation or the best of intentions that we can rotate and can save us. It can be like a selfish of me, look at me, Phase I, but it is not, it's just a natural part of the progress of the development of inner strength. Well, if we help others, help them find their inner strength and to teach them how to save themselves, rather than we do for them and addictive.

Victims of StageCourage is fear

Courage is the quality or virtue that must take us as love takes over. Only with courage, we can aspire to a life of love. It takes courage to go for love and not give up until we do. And, of course, courage is the progress here. The victim of the stage, or vice versa, is a stage of fear.

Villain stage no consideration for security

The bad is the level of Daredevil runs past their own fear, without regard for the safety of self orothers. The good news is the risky action is the stage and in the sacrifice of the scene, there's just inertia, even frozen with fear, can not move on. It takes a little longer 'to swing back and forth from stage fright Daredevil, before coming to the virtues or good qualities of courage. You can cut short when you realize your hero to be, embrace your fears and slowly but surely going through the fear, the hero of the stage.

About Patriarch part Forteself

The inner strength and courage are the virtues and good qualities that allow you to be dismantled in strong patriarchal part of themselves, what you love, it is wavy.

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