"The closing ceremony," the film about a generation

"The closing ceremony" is a film of an award-winning writer, director, author of the documentary to 4 stars, the last game, "the best sports movie of all who have called the Los Angeles Times has been. This time it was the subject of endings, beginnings, birth and death of young adulthood. This can cause serious problems, but as a clash during the last part after graduation, move the group of friends as a reality with persistent non-sobriety, it shines through the dawn ofExplanation of a wasted youth gone now. The party is at the same time, metaphor and allegory, analogy-table and the catalyst to accelerate the maturity of the memories recalled by some, while others refuse to leave the bosom of the dorm room, the sanctuary of artificial secular university campus. Oh, and everyone is up, everyone gets drunk and everything is down. But there is a free lunch or hard lemonade, and eventually leads hedonism as a law that everyone must pay ...

With movies like "TheBreakfast Club and St. Elmo's Fire ... Not to mention the responsibility seminal cinematic masterpiece ... Graduates ... Does the world really need a new film about growth? In the capable hands of directors, what we do than to see this generation, as every generation requires a definition and a legacy for future heirs ... and there is a growing and aging is not related to any kind of wisdom or handed down from generation-spanning story, and said to the eldest son in a vain attempt to tamewild oat seed of our immature, sometimes creating a paradox and inversion, in which it took its parent Shepard is, and his flock that they once powerless, helpless and without cash until that day in the first half- May, when we experience the sensation that we call the final sudden and sharp ... Growing Up.

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