Bad news and issues with Hulu

Each site has a nice name in those days. Hulu is a good example. The idea is good. Hulu is a place where you can quickly and easily download all kinds of TV shows and movies directly to your computer or other device. Best of all Hulu is free and legally. This combination is hard to beat.

If your first reaction to Hulu, which can offer is to "wow", its understandable. But unfortunately there is a problem with Hulu. Moreover, there are many problems. LetLet me explain ...

The implementation of this idea is not quite as good as promised. One of the most important and obvious that the top TV programs and more have simply disappeared from the current site Hulu. Unfortunately, this factor defeats expect much from the site.

You do not need an expert on TV, that much of what is not on Hulu very special at all to achieve. You will find the content in a variety of other places. For example, if you have a NetflixIt enables you to stream content, usually of far better quality.

Of course, unlike Hulu, Netflix is ​​a subscription service. However, many people have Netflix account anyway, so they can use the streaming service at no additional cost claim.

Another common criticism of the Web site Hulu is that you can watch full seasons of many shows. In reality, the site is wildly inconsistent. You might find your favorite show, only to discover that rather perplexingly there is only onea few scattered episodes.

This can be frustrating for people who are addicted to a TV show and find quickly, without the ability of the season left, hanging from the end.

Let's face it, many television shows that would never Clock will be offered for free on Hulu. So the fact that actually pretty useless. Many of the programs on Hulu are really poor quality.

All these errors could be forgiven for somethingHulu if it had not been so oversold "Entertainment Revolution." Unfortunately, Hulu is not a revolution, at least not yet. Skeptics doubt that more will be a revolution ever.

So there are problems with Hulu? Absolutely! I have my doubts that these problems will be fixed soon. With the plethora of viewing options available online, a lot of people wonder what the value of Hulu for the average viewer / user of computers. This isa fair question and one that Hulu seems to know not only how to respond.

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